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Cultural Dissonance Unfamiliar Sense of Disharmony
Question: Examine about theCultural Dissonance for Unfamiliar Sense of Disharmony. Answer: Presentation: An awkward and new feel...
Monday, September 30, 2019
The Key to Happiness
The key to Happiness Is the glass half empty, or is it half full? A true optimist would say that the glass is half full. That is because an optimist will always lean towards the more positive option. Optimism is defined as â€Å" the inclination to look at the bright side of any situation, and expect the best possible outcome from any series of events. Anyone can be optimistic, some people choose optimism as a way of life, it can reduce stress producing a better quality of life, and if used on a regular basis optimism can be the key to happiness.Anyone at all can practice optimism. To be an optimist all one has to do is choose to see the positive side of a situation. Its like the saying, â€Å"Count your blessings. †A person may feel that they have nothing to be positive about, but when they are reminded of the positive things in their lives they tend to forget about the negative. Optimism can be developed when one has realistic goals and expectations. Optimists don’t fall into a trap of feeling hopeless, instead they strive for growth and positive change. Being optimistic is not about pretending that everything is okay.It is about thinking positively when things go wrong, learning from them, and moving forward. Optimism can be incorporated into any activity that takes place on any given day and if used on a regular basis, people will see a positive change in their lives. Optimism can produce a better quality of life. Anxiety and negative emotions can take its toll on the body, it can affect your cardiovascular and your immune system. Having an optimistic attitude can protect against these effects. Research has shown the people who choose to have an optimistic attitude about their future behave differently.Optimists have been known to exercise more, smoke less and eat healthier. When they fall ill, optimists are more likely to participate actively in their treatment. Some would say, â€Å"A healthy mind, means a healthy body. †Optimists are better able to handle difficult situations with the ups and downs of daily living. Optimists tend to be more creative and harder workers. They are not afraid of there pasts or their futures. They understand that not everything can be changed, they accept that and move on. Optimism is the key to happiness. It helps us appreciate everything we have in life.It is within appreciation that we find happiness. Optimism is full of positive possibilities. It leads a person to happiness by reducing stress and pulling people towards a more positive future. Helen Keller wrote an essay on Optimism in 1903. She wrote, â€Å"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway to the human spirt. †This is a true statement because having faith in ones self will encourage that person to set new goals in their lives and better yet help them have the will power to achieve them.It is wi th a pessimistic attitude that people give up too quickly on their goals or possibly never even set them to begin with. With optimism comes hope, perseverance, and self confidence. It is with hope that one strives for a better tomorrow. It is perseverance that wills a person to keep trying. Confidence gives people the ability to believe that everything will turn out all right. All of these things portray optimism. Making yourself happy by seeing the better side of situations in life will lead to success. Optimism in everything they do will bring out the best qualities and skills in a person, and this will lead to true happiness.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Death Penalty in India Essay
Short Essay on the Capital Punishment in India – Capital punishment has been a matter of debate for long now, and across the world public opinion is, by and large, in favour of abolishing it, as it is increasingly seen as a barbaric measure to check crime. Modern abolitionist jurists are of the view that if killing is wrong, no amount of legal or social sanction can make it right. If it is wrong for a man to kill another man, so it is even for the State to do. Besides, citing statistics, they argue that capital punishment has had no visible effect as a deterrent and has utterly failed to bring in a dip in the number of murders, which, according to them, makes capital punishment completely useless. Why kill the killers when it helps none and nothing, seems to be the belief. To them, capital punishment is a barbarous measure of no avail that has its place in the annals of history and not in modern statute books. Abolition of death penalty is largely seen as a step in the interest of human dignity in line with Article 5 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966 and its protocol in 1989, besides, of course, Article 3 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on December 10, 1948 and Article 21 of our own Constitution. The arguments on the side of the retentionists are equally strong. However, in India the Supreme Court has made death penalty applicable only to the rarest of rare cases – the cases where the act is no less than shocking to human conscience. The landmark cases where the death sentences were awarded in India are Ranga Billa case, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi Assassination case, Laxman Nayak case and most recently in 2004 Hatab case of West Bengal where accused Dhananjoy Chatterjee was hanged on 14 August, 2004, on his birthday, after Supreme Court affirmed the death sentence awarded by the lower courts. The President also declined his plea for pardon. In the year 2003 government laid a Bill in the Parliament, which proposed to add a provision of death penalty in Drugs and Cosmetics Act. After the new government came in power in June 2004, President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam suggested that Parliament should consider the abolition of death sentence altogether.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Investment Banking - Exit Strategy or a Living Will Dissertation
Investment Banking - Exit Strategy or a Living Will - Dissertation Example Financial and banking institutions play a fundamental role in determining economic growth and development globally. Given their importance to the public and other arms of the government, financial institutions are strongly regulated and controlled. The central government through its legal bodies establishes sound financial legislations aimed at monitoring, controlling, and regulating financial institutions and the banking sector. Financial experts following the Asian global meltdown of 1997 later criticized the Asian miracle that was embraced for its success in Asian. This financial crisis spilt over to other parts of the world leading to global financial failures. In less than a decade after such financial disaster, the world experience one of the worst financial crises whose magnitude is estimated to that of the great depression of the 1930s. This research paper seeks to discuss the chronological events of the Asian and global financial crisis, bankruptcy legislations, the moral ha zard, insolvency, resolutions, and institutional frameworks designed by the legal team to restore sanity in the global financial sector. In addition, this paper evaluates the exit strategy adopted by the investment financial institutions. ... conomic prospects of creditors in a debt bound firm 18 2.5 Case law and obligations owed to creditors 19 CHAPTER THREE 21 3.0 Corporate laws and economics 22 3.1 Regulatory styles 27 3.2 Moral hazards and great failures 27 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 The TURNER/ VICKERS PROPOSAL 30 4.1 Policy objectives 30 4.2 Defaults of the report 31 4.3 Legal and economic thoughts 33 4.4 The cost of ring-fencing 34 4.5.0. Defects of ICB report on corporate and retail banking 39 4.5.1. Competition in retail banking 39 4.6.0. Non-ring fenced residuals 40 4.6.1. Banking outside the EEA 40 4.6.2. The concept of separation 42 4.6.3. Cost of investment banking in the UK 43 4.7 The rationale of the dimensions in banking 44 4.8 Alternative approach to banking 45 CHAPTER FIVE 5.0. Analysis and discussions 45 5.1.0. THE LIVING WILL IN INVESTMENT BANKING 46 5.1.1. Concepts and descriptions 46 5.1.2. The Funeral plan of the US 46 5.2 Effects of the living will 48 5.3 The mild and strong variants 49 5.4 The EU framework for crisis management in the financial sector 53 5.5 Economic performance in Europe 54 CHAPTER SIX 6.0 CONCLUSION AND RECCOMENDATION 56 BIBLIOGRAPPHY 58 APPENDIX AND CASE TABLES 69 CHAPTER 1 1.0. Introduction Banking systems are shaped by financial stability arrangements. As the European Union ponders reforms towards its financial arrangements, it is in the course of determining which type of financial system it will have in the future. The financial crisis has brought the long-building tension between progressively more transitional financial institutions and national financial stability arrangements to a breaking point. The European Union now needs to select how to eliminate that tension that will eventually shape its economic and financial future. 1.1. The Crisis The European financial
Friday, September 27, 2019
Personnel Planning and Recruitment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Personnel Planning and Recruitment - Essay Example In this paper, I will focus on job agencies in Canada. Their main objective is to offer a comprehensive directory of works agencies globally, spanning amount of employment specialists’ organizations. They do offer listing service that is free to each job agency and, through their sister site; StaffWanted.com. Asia Pacific Services is the job agency I have chosen to focus on. Their corporate hiring division, Robert Campbell as the head, will help individuals in getting the appropriate persons for their businesses (Mondy, Noe & Gowan, 2005). †¢ Project manager, Contract, Shipbuilder, Subic Bay, Philippines- will be responsible for studying and choosing options for handling air, refrigeration, and the HVAC systems for the following generation of cryogenic cargo carriers. The challenge is to produce systems for creating LNG cargo carriers, used to move compressed LNG from the Middle East to Thailand. †¢ International Broker-Dealer, Licensed, Contract (confidential client) the employee looks for international independent brokers-dealers who will do the job on a contractual basis from their initial office. The Asian Pacific Services would be a good source of professionals, technical, or managerial applicants since the agency offers adequate information concerning the job at hand and all the qualifications (Martin, 2009). The agency participates in advertising. Therefore, the interested persons will have or can have access to information perfectly. The Asian Pacific Services is of help since it highlights its places of expertise, this means that it perfects its job agency skills in the listed divisions. For instance, Robert Campbell who is retained recruiter offers employer-driven fee-paid finding services for customers who seek: It refers to the main origin where the job seekers will get to apply for an open or advertised position in a particular industry. For this job agency, their mode of application is through
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Methods - Assignment Example There are other scholars with similar contribution (e.g., Fearon 1998; Lake and Rothchild 1996). A contention by (Saun and Tirone 2011) is that democratic transitioning develops an environment that easily encourages the rise of conflicts through the induction of exclusionary polarization and nationalism in the society. Significant exceptions towards the democratization-conflict tendency emerge in such countries as Tanzania, Malawi, Burkina Faso, and Kenya, all having experienced a democratic move within 20 years period without encountering much civil conflict. The authors argue that the key factor that â€Å"shelters†such democratizing states from violence comes from the democratization aid (Saun and Tirone 2011). The proposition by Snyder (2000) regarding instability indicates that in the initial phases of democratization are favored by two conditions via which civil conflict may emerge: there is the exploitation of rising nationalism by political elites, in the name of achieving their selfish ends and, therefore, creating society divisions, and that there is a general weakness on the side of central government in preventing the polarizing tactics of elites. (Saun and Tirone 2011) proposes that the assistance programs of democracy can potentially provide a restrictive force regarding the danger of politically initiated domestic violence; notably, even when a state lacks strong institutions, which would help, manage democratization, democracy aid can potentially provide an external source of stability, strength, and state credibility to ease the transition. The role played by the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) when Indonesia underwent the transition. Ideally, Indonesia attained democracy in 1999 from the Suharto’s regime (Saun and Tirone 2011). Some of the specific ideas developed as measurable and testable variables can be identified from the literature
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Editorial, any topic about the news in San Fransisco Bay Area Essay
Editorial, any topic about the news in San Fransisco Bay Area communications - Essay Example In a recent article, â€Å"Town of Clearlake Takes Center Stage In Emotional Battle Over Medicinal Marijuana Cultivation Ban†, by Joe Vazquez, patients within Clearlake believe that by the state government banning cultivation of the plant the lives of various patients are put at a risk considering the medicinal benefits of Marijuana. The citizens have proceeded to file a suit that would stop illegalizing the cultivation of the plant. According to Vazquez, one of the citizens, Jeri Spittler believes that Marijuana has been very helpful in managing her husband who has cancer. According to her, her husband’s loss of senses of smell and tastes has been well covered by marijuana extracted oil, which she feeds her husband with smoothies to make him aware that time to eat has come. She thus believes that banning of the drug bars her husband from this benefit. I agree with Spittler’s take on this issue due to my own experience with my grandmother who was suffering from cancer. She used to suffer a lot and had to endure unending spasms of pain all through the day regardless of receiving medication that would ease her suffering. Besides, the more the effective the pain medication is, the more expensive it is, an aspect that hindered her from getting adequate pain management medication. However, after a friend suggested the use of marijuana as a pain reliever, she started drinking the marijuana syrup and exhibited a great improvement with reduced pain especially during the night allowing her to rest. In addition, her appetite improved and she could consume enough nutrients to meet her bodily requirements. With this, she was able to live long beyond the time that had been predicted by the doctors. The National Cancer Institute posits that cannabis has various benefits to cancer patients including appetite stimulation, antiemetic effect s, improved sleep, and pain relief
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 38
Questions - Essay Example When sales increase and the fixed expenses remain constant, a high OL will result to very high profits since variable expenses, for instance the cost of goods sold, will increase continuously in relation to increasing sales and the company will not incur additional costs to produce the added sales. 2. Let’s say you are developing a business plan, but decide that your OL is too high. What could you do (operationally) to lower that ratio? What common technique is available to you to solve this dilemma? Increasing variable costs and decreasing fixed costs. This is because fixed costs do not change with production/sales while variables costs are very flexible and can be controlled. Ways of converting fixed costs to variable costs include: hiring temporary workers instead of permanent workers, paying hourly wages instead of monthly salaries, increasing bonuses related to profits/sales instead of basic salary, using free technology, leasing buildings and other capital assets instead of buying them and hiring outside companies to do essential work. Reilly, Chris. Break-Even Analysis- Making it Work for Your Franchise. International Franchise Association, July 2009. Web. Feb. 15, 2015.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Adrenoceptors and sympathomemtics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Adrenoceptors and sympathomemtics - Essay Example In the vascular and smooth muscle cell, the alpha-2 adrenergic receptors are located in the postsynaptic terminal. Most of ÃŽ ± 1-adrenoceptors activation are linked to excitation of postsynaptic target ÃŽ ±-2-adrenoceptors usually activates the Gi inhibitory protein that in turn decreases cAMP. The inhibitory function of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors is vital negative feedback system to control of the discharge of presynaptic nerve terminal’s noradrenaline. These prevent prolonged activation of the effector organs such as male sex organs, eyes and veins (Bryant, Knights and Salerno, 2010, p. 209). These alpha-adrenergic receptors usually control the vasoconstriction of arterioles in skin, pupil dilation, gut relaxation and smooth muscle relaxation in the prostrate and bladder neck. Classification of beta-adrenergic receptors into ÃŽ ²1, ÃŽ ²2 and ÃŽ ²3 considers their affinity to agonist or antagonist. Location of site that recognises agonist and antagonist is in the portion of receptor that is membrane-bound. Distribution of Beta-adrenergic receptors is in various tissues. Beeta-1 is in the heart, beta-2 in the smooth muscle and beta-3 in adipocytes cell membrane (Bryant, Knights and Salerno, 2010, p. 210). All of the beta-adrenergic receptors lead to activation of adenylyl cyclase in which the agonists leads to formation of cAMP from ATP. Activation these receptors leads to increase heart beat rate, relaxed bronchus and uterine and vasoconstriction of arterioles supplying blood to skeletal muscle. Sympathomimetic drugs are those designed to act similarly like adrenaline or noradrenaline by their action on adrenoceptors and act in sympathetic stimulation of the system (Bertram and Anthony, 2009, p. 128). The classification of these drugs as direct or indirect agonist depends on their mode of action in stimulation of the neural
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Beyonce target market report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Beyonce target market report - Essay Example Doing this led to a different way to turn imperfect competition into one that was based around moving outside of the competition. The more that different individuals could become a target the more likely they would be able to respond to the products and services in a positive manner (Wedel, 2000). The concept of market segmentation is used for several reasons within the market. The foundation of this is to create a strategy within a corporation and outside of a business for the right responses. When a business has an undifferentiated market, which doesn’t focus on the characteristics of demographics and individuals, then it may not be able to reach them as well. When a market is segmented, it is able to create a different approach which targets individuals that are in need of a product or service. More importantly, the segment is able to move outside of other competitors who have similar products or services. As this is done, there is the ability to create a different approach to the business and to the needs of specific individuals (Dickson, Ginter, 1987). The concept of multidimensional segmentation can be combined with the main aims that are used within different companies. When looking at different levels of purchase behavior and the way that potential customers respond to a specific concept, there is the ability to create different products or services that relate to the individuals needs. Doing this is able to create a specific understanding of what is occurring in the market as well as what the behaviors are of those that are a part of the market (Blattberg, Sen, 1974). The target market that will be used is in relation to the singer, Beyonce. Beyonce is a renowned R&B artist from the US and has won several Grammys through her music, acting and modeling. Beyonce began her career through the R&B band, Destiny’s Child, which gained prestige throughout America. She then broke into a solo artist that was able to create a
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Chronic Disease Risk Assessment Essay Example for Free
Chronic Disease Risk Assessment Essay When I did the assessment for chronic diseases I chose to do one for Diabetes because I am considered obese with a BMI of 39. 9 so with this certain risk factor of obesity I run the risk of developing diabetes, the assessment states â€Å"Compared to a typical woman my age, my risk of developing diabetes is above average†that is very scary because I know that diabetes can be dangerous and cause many other health problems, also it runs in my family, my father developed diabetes because of his weight, and now he does not have any working kidneys and has to do dialysis 4 days a week and requires a transplant, so my chances are high up there. There are a number of different types of diabetes, you have; Type 2, Type 1, Gestational diabetes, Pre-diabetes, lada, mody, Diabetes Insipidus, out of all these types there are some types of diabetes more prevalent than others, the most common type is Type Two, and this type can causes damage to both large and small arteries. This artery damage can result in medical problems, both common and serious; Heart attack, stroke, amputations, kidney failure, and blindness. Type Two can also cause damage to your nerves, you have a percentage of 60% to 70% of diabetics that develop diabetic nerve damage, with that you can result in the following health problems; Peripheral neuropathy, stomach and bowel problems, dizziness when standing, sexual-function problems, and localized nerve failures. With all of these health problems and potential complications you can significantly shorten the life of a person with type 2 diabetes. They all have the ability to diminish the quality of life. You can avoid these problems and even prevent them through diet and exercise, use of medication, and careful control of your blood sugar levels. With diabetes the best way of avoiding the risk of developing it is to avoid it altogether, you can make sure you talk with your doctor about your risk of getting diabetes and how to avoid it, start screening for early detection, these screening test will help to find diabetes when it is most likely to be treatable. With the screening test it will uncover the pre-diabetic state before your blood sugar rises. If you are considered over weight you should talk with your doctor about doing a screening test so that you catch it on time and are able to take care of it before it may cause any major problems. You can change your life style by getting more exercise and keeping more hysically fit, change your diet by replacing any unhealthy foods with more organic and nutritional foods, with the right amount of proper food and exercise you can take your own personal stand against diabetes, if you take the necessary steps to lose the weight you will lower your chances of developing diabetes, and extend your life expectancy, and you will not have to worry about developing any other health problems that diabetes may cause, diabetes is like a domino effect, once you have diabetes you can develop other health problems and all of them will have a negative effect on your life, making sure you lead a positive, an d healthy life style will lower your chances of developing diabetes or any other chronic disease that may reduce your longevity of life.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Representation Of Marginalised Voices In Poetry English Literature Essay
The Representation Of Marginalised Voices In Poetry English Literature Essay Marginalisation can be understood as being outside or on the edge of the rest of society. A person can be considered marginalised because of factors such as race, social class or gender, which make them separate from the rest of their social surrounding. At the time when Carol Ann Duffy and Sharon Olds wrote their first poetry, female poets where marginalised under patriarchy; a social system which believed males to be the superior race. Through their works both poets give a voice for marginalised members of society by using poetry to speak the truth about everyday issues such as love, sexuality and family, from a female perspective. Although marginalised because of their gender, both Carol Ann Duffy and Sharon Olds use of strong subjects have been able to make an impact for the female voice within their poetry. Sharon Olds is highly religious due to her upbringing as a Calvinist; her poetry echoes a lot of this belief in the sense that her works speak a truth and hold a strong theme of morality. Moreover Olds uses her own honesty and morality to often question issues which are ongoing in society, be it a question directed towards the politics of the time or a question about family and love. Because of her honestly Olds poems can often appear controversial or paint a slightly disturbing image. Sex Without Love[1] for instance is a poem which questions sex outside of marriage and love, it begins with a direct question how do they do it, the ones who make love without love?, she then goes onto answer the question herself. Rather than use complex imagery and symbolism to allow the reader to make their own interpretation, Olds uses irony to make her view on the subject clear and detailed. On the other hand, Carol Ann Duffys poems pose the exact opposite approach; through her poems she is also sp eaking a truth using irony, however, she often does this by using surreal imagery and complicating her words to create a usual cynical view towards the subject. Like Olds, Duffy also addresses the issue of love within her works. Duffys Valentine[2] renders a highly cynical view towards love, and the thought conventional gestures of showing affection. Unlike Olds who instantly outlines the poems meaning as a starting point, Duffy begins Valentine by using traditional images of a valentine before revealing her own suggestions on the subject. Duffy uses an extended metaphor in asserting that an onion is more like the true nature of love and therefore it can ultimately be destroyed or destructive on many different levels, just like an onion has many different layers which can be peeled. Both poets reveal a different idea about love, while Sharon Olds is implicating that love is sacred and true; Duffy seems to be suggesting that love isnt as beautiful as it would appear on the surface. Females were often marginalised within literature and therefore their work was not given the recognition it truly deserved, often resulting in females writing poetry but not being considered poets because of their gender. This is because of the once social, economic and cultural marginalisation under patriarchy which ruled a male dominated social and cultural system. Geoffrey Summerfield once stated I regret the omission of women poets from this book. This is simply due to the fact that Britain in the last fifteen years has not produced a woman poet of real stature [3], although spoken before their time as writers, poets such as Duffy and Olds have made an impact from their writing that would arguably change this opinion. Sharon olds Sex Without Love is an attack on people that have sex outside of marriage, her religious background shines through in her choice of word and metaphor in this poem. While she chooses to use words that would usually be seen as beautiful, the choice of word play holds a negative tone throughout making it obvious that she does not approve. The metaphor Beautiful as dancers, gliding over each other like ice skaters, over ice would on surface appear that she is accepting, however, the deeper meaning unveils that she is actually implying that like the ice, sex without love is cold and therefore it is simply a performance, just as ice skating is a performance. Unlike Sex Without Love which holds the message that only true love will make you happy or whole, it would appear that Duffys Valentine is in fact a message that is perhaps warning the reader from love. Duffy ends with the lines Lethal, its scent will cling to your fingers, cling to your knife., this cynical metaphor leaves us with the idea that the true nature of love will ultimately destroy us. Although the messages of these two poems contradict each other completely, the marginalised voice in poetry is still established and heard. Both poets represent marginalised voices in poetry as being underestimated and overlooked, by creating powerful poems that touch subjects that affect all people in society, they have been able to establish a place for the female poet ultimately making them no longer marginalised. The strong and somewhat controversial use of the theme of love in these two poems clearly establishes a voice for marginalised groups, therefore allowing them to be recognised. While both Duffy and Olds fall into the same marginalised category because of their gender they do not hold the same morals and values within their poems, this difference between the two reveals to the maybe ignorant eye, that people of the same marginalised category are in fact individuals within themselves. Therefore Duffy and Olds represent marginalised voices as having the same individualities as the people in the centre of society. In the same way that Olds expresses her religious views within her poetry, Duffys works can be perceived as feminist, however similarly they both raise issues such as social class and relationships in the course of their works. Duffys Warming Her Pearls[4] is a poem centrally about a relationship between a servant and her employer, a maid and her mistress. This poem deals with the issue of social class more than it does with gender, the lower social class can also be deemed as marginalised within society this poem recognises this problem and provides a negative attitude towards social, economic and political status and gives a voice to these outsiders. Warming Her Pearls begins Next to my own skin, her pearls. My mistress bids me to wear them, warm them, the pearls may be seen as a symbolic rope that bides the maid to her mistress moreover the fact that she literally gives the warmth of her body to the pearls immediately questions the relationship between the two classes, outlining the ridiculous extremes that the power of higher classes can actually reach. The relationship between the two characters can be viewed as bidden, because the maid is of lower class therefore she must provide a service for the pri vileged. On the other hand Sharon Olds True Love[5] is centrally a poem about the relationship between a man and a woman that appear to be married as the poem progresses. True Love opens In the middle of the night, when we get up after making love, we look at each other in complete friendship the initial reading of this line leaves the reader somewhat confused by the use of the word friendship, are these two people in love or is their relationship purely friendship? Furthermore that later image of them being Bound to each other like mountaineers. leaves us with the idea that the reason they are still together is because they are married. This assumption comes from Olds religious background, wherefore her belief would hold the idea that marriage is sacred and for life. Therefore perhaps this couple are no longer in love, however they are bound together because of the vows they once took. Both poems address the issues of relationships, however clearly they identify different issues wh ich have binned their characters together. As Duffys poem unravels it reveals a sinister attitude from the maid towards her mistress, she believes that her persistent scent on the pearls are preventing her mistress from ever finding love. This could also be an attack on the social hierarchy in the sense that the maid is not allowed to communicate with her mistress to tell her the problem, so instead she burns All night with the satisfaction of this possible secret revenge she is gaining against her mistress. On the other hand, Olds True Love does ultimately unveil itself as describing exactly what it is titled as. The poem ends I cannot see beyond it., leaving us with the idea that the characters are indeed in love and that it is everything that should be wanted from a relationship. Sharon Olds poem seems to begin somewhat ambiguously with its room for interpretation. None the less its ending reveals what is believed to be the truth about love, making it personal to perhaps her own experiences and definitely representing her own morals on what she believes to be right. These two very different poems represent marginalised voices in poetry as being opinionated, self aware and controversial, it is clear that these marginalised figures of society do indeed have a strong place in society and should therefore be heard. Sharon Olds and Carol Ann Duffy hold similarities and differences within their works, they both appear to me as being fearless and unconventional making them have a strong effect on society. Their highly controversial poems raising issues such as social class, relationships and love have undoubtedly made room for the female poet to be accepted and recognised, not only in poetry but in society as a whole. Along with representing a voice for females their works also question other existing marginalisation within our culture, attacking the politics and beliefs of the culture with live in allows scope for these outsiders to be recognised and ultimately heard. While Olds makes her poetry personal by directly inputting her religious beliefs and morality, Duffy makes her works personal by her complication of words and playful inventiveness to pass of messages that perhaps a conventional writer would not attempt. It is figures such as Olds and Duffy that are needed in our society to provide a truth on such controversial issues. Their open honesty on issues within our culture allows a truth to be heard from these marginalised voices, and it is clear that they have had a large impact within writing and on the society in which we live.
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