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Cultural Dissonance Unfamiliar Sense of Disharmony
Question: Examine about theCultural Dissonance for Unfamiliar Sense of Disharmony. Answer: Presentation: An awkward and new feel...
Thursday, October 31, 2019
How do the courts deal with the battle of forms, where parties to an Essay
How do the courts deal with the battle of forms, where parties to an intended contract exchange forms containing mutually inconsistent terms - Essay Example ten negotiate through exchanging correspondence, with a series of counter offers as to price and the contract terms; this has been referred to as the â€Å"Battle of the Forms†(Beale, 2007). In considering this Beale in Chitty on Contracts underlines this problem and concludes: â€Å"Thus it is possible by careful draftsmanship to avoid losing the battle of the forms, but not†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. to win it. The most that the draftsman can be certain of achieving is the stalemate situation where there is no contract at all†(Beale, 2007). In order to address this legally, the courts have adopted the â€Å"last shot principle†, which was established in the case of Butler Machine Tool Co –v- Ex Cell-O-Corp ((1981) 24 BLR 94). According to this principle, the presumption is that the last offer which has been accepted without qualification will be determined as covering the conditions of the contract. This was confirmed in the recent case of Tekdata Communications Ltd v Amphenol Ltd ([2009] EWCA CIV 1209), which confirmed that there the general principle of the â€Å"last shot†wins was applicable unless there was unequivocal evidence of contrary intention. For example, in the Tekdata case itself the parties were in a production chain involving four companies producing aircraft components and at first instance, the trial judge departed from the last shot doctrine on the basis that the parties were part of a complex supply chain where prices were non-negotiable and the defendant did not suggest that its own terms and conditions were incorporated into the contract. However, the Court of Appeal rejected this rationale and held that â€Å"the context of a long term relationship and the conduct of the parties†may in certain circumstances be sufficiently strong to displace the usual â€Å"last shot wins†rule. Therefore, whilst the general principle is that the last shot wins, the course of dealing between parties may sometimes negate this and result in the terms and conditions
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Nursing contribution to patients recovery after anesthesia Essay
Nursing contribution to patients recovery after anesthesia - Essay Example My reflection will be done mainly by applying specialist knowledge in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation in the caring for the perioperative patient in recovery. In light of this, it is intended that at the end of this essay I will have developed an explicit understanding of psychological, social and cultural influences affiliated with patient care in PACU and how to manage them and their various outcomes. My role as a recovery room nurse was to monitor and treat the post-anesthesia effects of a patient in a Post-anesthesia care unit (PACU). Immediately after the surgery, I ensured that I provided constant care to the patient by following a certain time frame. I constantly checked and treated the patient after every few minutes, until the patient regained stability and was ready for transportation to a hospital room. Hatfield & Tronsons’ (2008) suggests that recovery nurses should ‘’treat the patient not to monitor’’ even to the point of discharge especially bearing in mind the type of anaesthesia the patient may have had, and keeping up to date with evidence based practice and changes that occur in practice in relation to how to manage these patients. Recovery room nurses should ensure that they learn during this period. The Post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) This is the recovery room where post-aesthesia management took place. The other names of this room are the post-anesthetic room (PR) or anesthetic room (AR). I used the room to perform several functions such as close observation of the patient’s vital signs in a more specialized way than in a normal hospital ward. I also provided treatment of post-operative illnesses such as post-operative nausea and vomiting and quick detection and response to any complications. The recovery area usually requires specialized conditions such as an emergency call system for the anesthetists and the nurse, temperature monitor devices and various equipments and drugs. The Royal College of Nursing (2005) suggests that nurses should make additional observations indicated by patient’s condition and according to your local hospital policy as this can improve practice and avoid adverse incidence occurring this promoting patient safety. The NMC code of conduct suggest that health care profession als must maintain a Continuous Professional Development Portfolio hence keeping their practice up to date throughout their working like NMC (2008). NICE Guidelines (2007) guidelines on how to change practice also stipulates that health care professionals can overcome barriers in practice by keeping their knowledge and skills update which is return ensures safer practice in patient care. The hospital staffs I worked with were highly skilled and trained in handling patients with post-anesthesia effects. The room was strategically located near the operating room to allow quick transportation after the surgery. Once patients recovered, I transported them to the main ward where they waited for orders for discharge or given further minor attention. Discharge of the patient from the hospital only takes place, if they regain complete recovery and stability (Royal College of Nursing, 2011). In the recovery room, I learnt that cooperation was necessary to ensure that the patients obtained max imum care. I ensured that I prepared adequately and worked with unity with other personnel to enable quick recovery of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Techniques of Spoofing Attacks
Techniques of Spoofing Attacks Spoofing is sending fake address of a transmission to gain entry which is illegal into a secure system. It is creates fake responses or signals in order to keep the session alive and prevent timeouts. It captures, alters, re-transmits a communication stream that can mislead the recipient. Hackers use it to refer especially to the TCP/IP packets of addresses in order to disguise a trusted machine. The term spoofing has spread all over the world. The term spoofing refers to stealing the passwords and personal information of a particular person from the internet. The word spoof came into existence by the British comedian Arthur Roberts in 1852.In the 19th century, Arthur Roberts invented the game spoof and thus the name. This game had the use of tricks and non-sense. The first recorded reference to this game in 1884 refers to its revival. Very soon the word spoof took on the general sense of nonsense and trickery. The word spoof was first recorded in 1889.[4] TYPES: Types of Spoofing covered are as follows: 1. E-Mail Spoofing 2. Caller ID Spoofing 3. SMS Spoofing 4. Website Spoofing 5. DLL Spoofing 6. IP Spoofing 1.1.1 Definitions: 1) E-Mail Spoofing: Basically email spoofing is of the type in which the sender address and other parts of the email are altered so that it appears as if it is sent from a different source 2) Caller id Spoofing: Caller id is the way of making fake calls to other people wherein the number of the sender appears as if he/she is calling from another number. 3) SMS Spoofing: SMS Spoofing allows us to change the name or number of the text messages appear to come from. 4) Website Spoofing: Website Spoofing is a method of misleading the people or perhaps the readers that the website has been made by some other organization or by some other known person. 5) DLL Spoofing: DLL code runs in the context of its host program, it inherits the full capabilities of the programs user with spoofing. 6) IP Spoofing: IP spoofing is the way in which the sender gets unauthorized access to a computer or a network by making it appear that a certain message has come from a trusted machine by spoofing the IP address of that machine. SECTION 2 EMAIL SPOOFING 2.1 INTRODUCTION: This is considered to be one of the most used techniques of spammers and hackers. They spoof their return e-mail addresses. That makes it look as if the mail has come from some other person. This is a form of identity theft, as the person who sends the email acts to be someone else in order to distract the recipient to do something. 2.2 OBJECTIVE: The objective of spoofed mail is to hide the real identity of the sender. This can be done because the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) does not require authentication. A sender can use a fictitious return address or a valid address that belongs to someone else. The mails that are spoofed can be very annoying, irritating and at times dangerous. Having your own address spoofed can be even worse. If the sender or probably the hacker uses our address as the return address, then our inbox may fill with receivers complaints as well as they might report us in the spammers as well. This type of spoofing can be very dangerous. 2.3 MOTIVES: These might be the possible motives of an attacker: 1. This is spam and the person who sends doesnt want to be subjected to anti-spam laws 2. The e-mail constitutes threatening or harassing or some other violation of laws. 3. The e-mail contains a virus or Trojan and the sender believes you are more likely to open it if it appears to be from someone you know 4. The e-mail requests information that you might be willing to give to the person the sender is pretending to be, as part of a social engineering. 2.4 PHISHING: Phishing is associated with Email spoofing. Phishing is the practice of attempting to obtain users credit card or online banking information, often incorporates e-mail spoofing. For example, a phisher may send e-mail that looks as if it comes from the banks or credit cards administrative department, asking the user to log onto a Web page and enter passwords, account numbers, and other personal information. Thereby obtaining the users confidential information.[2] 2.5 WORKING: This is the most easily detected form, in e-mail spoofing it simply sets the display name or from field of outgoing messages to show a name or address other than the actual one from which the message is sent. Most POP e-mail clients allow you to change the text displayed in this field to whatever you want. For example, when you set up a mail account in Outlook Express, you are asked to enter a display name, which can be anything you want, as shown in Figure 2.1. Fig 2.1: Setting the display name in your e-mail client The name that we set will be displayed in the recipients mail program as the person from whom the mail was sent. We can type anything you like in the field on the following page that asks for your e-mail address. These fields are separate from the field where you enter your account name assigned to you by your ISP. Figure 2.2 shows what the recipient sees in the From field of an e-mail client such as Outlook. Fig.2.2 The recipient sees whatever information you entered When this simplistic method is used, you can tell where the mail originated (for example that it did not come from thewhitehouse.com) by checking the actual mail headers. Many e-mail clients dont show these by default. In Outlook, open the message and then click View | Options to see the headers, as shown in Figure 2.3. Fig 2.3: Viewing the e-mail headers In this example, you can see that the message actually originated from a computer named XDREAM and was sent from the mail.augustmail.com SMTP server. 2.6 PREVENTIVE MEASURES: Although legislation may help to deter some spoofing, most agree that it is a technological problem that requires a technological solution. One way to control spoofing is to use a mechanism that will authenticate or verify the origins of each e-mail message. The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an emerging standard by which the owners of domains identify their outgoing mail servers in DNS, and then SMTP servers can check the addresses in the mail headers against that information to determine whether a message contains a spoofed address. The downside is that mail system administrators have to take specific action to publish SPF records for their domains. Users need to implement Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) SMTP for sending mail. Once this is accomplished, administrators can set their domains so that unauthenticated mail sent from them will fail, and the domains name cant be forged. SECTION 3 CALLER ID SPOOFING 3.1. INTRODUCTION: This type of spoofing is all about changing the Caller ID to show any desired unidentifiable number on the persons caller id who receives the call [1]. Caller id spoofing is a way of calling someone without them knowing who actually the person is, by hiding the phone number from their caller id. It is also known as the practice of causing the telephone network to display a number on the recipients Caller id display which is not that of the actual originating station. Just as e-mail spoofing can make it appear that a message came from any e-mail address the sender chooses, Caller ID spoofing can make a call appear to have come from any phone number the caller wishes. Because of the high trust people tend to have in the Caller ID system; spoofing can call the systems value into question hence creating problems for various parties associated with it. NAMES OF COMPANIES THAT PROVIDE THE CALLER ID SPOOFING FEATURE: SpoofCard Phone Gangster StealthCard TeleSpoof 3.2 WAY TO MAKE TEXT DISPLAY ON CALLER ID DISPLAY: With the help of the Spoof Card, Stealth Card, TeleSpoof and many more we can make the text show up on the caller id display instead of number. We have to choose some text from the huge list of funny caller id text phrases and that text will be displayed as our phone number. Some texts are shown below in the image. Fig 3.1 Text that can be shown in the caller-id display 3.3 USES: Caller-id spoofing can be used in the following places: Doctor needing to disguise home number so that he doesnt get unwanted calls on his home number Worried spouse wanting to find the truth Calling back an unknown number to find out the unknown identity without revealing original number Hiding your location 3.4 METHOD: Caller ID can be spoofed in many different ways and with different well advanced technologies. The most popular ways of spoofing Caller ID are through the use of VoIP or PRI lines. Other method is that of coping the Bell 202 FSK signal. This method, called orange boxing, uses software that generates the audio signal which is then coupled to the telephone line during the call. The object is to deceive the called party into thinking that there is an incoming call waiting call from the spoofed number, when in fact there is no new incoming call. This technique often also involves an accomplice who may provide a secondary voice to complete the illusion of a call-waiting call. Because the orange box cannot truly spoof incoming caller ID prior to answer and relies to a certain extent on the guile of the caller, it is considered as much a social engineering technique as a technical hack. 3.5 MOTIVES: Sometimes, caller-id spoofing may be justified. There are necessary reasons for modifying the caller ID sent with a call. These can be the possible places where caller-ids are spoofed: Calls that come from a large organization or company, particularly those companies that have many branches, sending the main number is a good option. Consider this example. A hospital might have the primary number 777-2000, and around 250 lines functioning inside the main building, and another 200 at the clinic that is located around 50 miles away. I t may happen that most of the numbers will be in the form of 777-200XX, but it might also happen that many of them have an unrelated and unidentifiable numbers. Therefore if we have all calls come from 777-2000, it lets the call recipients identify that the incoming call is a hospital call. Most of the calling-card companies display Caller IDs of the calling-card user to the call recipients. Many Business owners and dealers use Caller ID spoofing to display their business number on the Caller ID display when they are calling from a place outside the office premises (for example, on a mobile phone). Skype users have an option of assigning a Caller ID number for preventing their outgoing calls from being screened by the called party (Skype Caller ID in the USA is 000123456). Google application Google Voice displays its users Google Voice number when the users make calls from the service using their landline numbers or mobile phones. Gizmo5 sends the users Gizmo5 SIP number as outbound Caller ID on all calls. Because Gizmo5 IDs are in the format 747NXXXXXX, it is possible to confuse calls made from Gizmo5 with calls made from area code 747. Fig 3.2. Software for Caller id Spoofing SECTION 4 SMS SPOOFING 4.1 INTRODUCTION: SMS Spoofing allows us to change the name or number of the text messages a recipient would appear to receive. It replaces the number from which the text message is received with alphanumeric text. This type of spoofing has both legitimate and illegitimate applications. The legitimate manner would be setting your name or company name or the product name for or from which the text message is sent. So thereby the text message received will display the name or the company name or the product name and the purpose in the case for e.g. a product (publicising it) would thus be served. The illegitimate way would be when a person or a company would use the name of some other person or name or a product with the intentions of causing losses to the concerned. 4.2 MOTIVES: SMS Spoofing takes place when the user from sending end changes the address information so as to conceal the original address from reaching the user at the receiver end. It is done mostly to impersonate a user who has roamed onto a foreign network, needs to be submitting messages to the home network. Generally these messages are addressed to destinations that are beyond the range of home network with the home SMSC (short messaging service centre) being hijacked hence causing messages to be sent to other network 4.3. IMPACTS: Following are the impacts of this activity: 1) Due to the hijacking of the home SMSC, The home network can bring in termination charges caused by the delivery of these messages to interconnect partners. This is termed as quantifiable revenue leakage. 2) These messages can be of concern to the partners involved. 3) It is possible that it comes under the notice of the customer that he is spammed and the message sent maybe of personal, financial or political importance to the concerned person. Therefore, there is a risk that the interconnect partners might threaten to stop the home network from functioning until and unless a suitable remedy is found and properly implemented. Hence, the consequence of this would be that the Home subscribers will be unable to send messages into these networks. 4) While fraudsters generally use spoofed-identities to send messages, there is a risk that these identities may match those of real home subscribers. This implies, that genuine subscribers may be billed for roaming messages they did not send and if this situation does arise, the integrity of the home operators billing will be under scrutiny, with potentially huge impact on the brand itself. This is a major churn risk. 4.4 USES: A person sends a SMS message from an online computer network for lower more competitive pricing, and for the ease of data entry from a full size console. They must spoof their own number in order to properly identify themselves. A sender does not have a mobile phone, and they need to send an SMS from a number that they have provided the receiver in advance as a means to activate an account. 4.5 THREATS: An SMS Spoofing attack is often first detected by an increase in the number of SMS errors encountered during a bill-run. These errors are caused by the spoofed subscriber identities. Operators can respond by blocking different source addresses in their Gateway-MSCs, but fraudsters can change addresses easily to by-pass these measures. If fraudsters move to using source addresses at a major interconnect partner, it may become unfeasible to block these addresses, due to the potential impact on normal interconnect services. SMS Spoofing is a serious threat to mobile operators on several fronts: 1. Mischarging subscribers. 2. Being charged interconnects fees by the hubs. 3. Blocking legitimate traffic in an effort to stop the spoofing. 4. Assigning highly trained and scarce resources to tackle the problem 4.6 EXAMPLES: Messages sent from Google are sent with the Sender ID Google. Skype sends messages from its users with the mobile number they registered with. Note that when a user attempts to reply to the SMS, the local system may or may not allow the replying message to be sent through to the spoofed origin. A user who does not have a mobile phone attempts to sign up for a Foxy tag account, which requires an SMS from a phone number that the user registers with. A dynamically assigned number from an anonymous SMS service will not work because the user is not given the dynamic number in advance to register with. Fig 4.1 this picture above shows the process of sms spoofing. SECTION 5 WEB SPOOFING 5.1 INTRODUCTION: Website spoofing is a type of spoofing which creates a website or web pages that are basically run with the intention to mislead users into believing that the particular website is created by a different group or a different person. Another form of website spoofing is creating false or fake websites that generally have the same appearance and layout as the original website and tricking people into sharing their personal or confidential information with the false Website. The fake websites can have a similar URL as well. Another technique associated with false URL is the use of Cloaked URL.This technique uses methods of domain redirection or URL forwarding which convincingly hides the address of the actual website. Website spoofing is often associated with Phishing. It can also be carried out with the intention of criticizing or making fun of the original website or the website developer or fraud as well.[3] 5.2 CONCEPT: So we can say that web spoofing basically enables an attacker/spoofer to create a shadow copy of the entire World Wide Web. Accesses to this fake Web are monitored through the attackers system, which helps the attacker to keep a watch on all of the victims web-activities. These activities include passwords and personal information (bank account numbers). It can also happen that in the victims name, the attacker sends certain information to the web servers or send any kind of information to the victim in the name of any Web server. Basically, the spoofer controls everything The victim does on the Web. 5.3 CONSEQUENCES: As the spoofer or the attacker has complete control(observing capability as well as modifying capability) over any data that is transmitting from the victim to the web servers and also all the data transactions from the servers to the victim , the attacker can misuse this in many ways. Some of the misusing ways are surveillance and tampering. 5.3.1 Surveillance: The attacker can conveniently spy on the traffic, registering which pages and sites the victim visits or surfs as well as the content of those pages. For example, when the victim fills out a particular form on a particular site, the entered details are transmitted to a server. The attacker can record all these details, along with the response sent back by the server. And as we know, most of the on-line commerce is done using forms; this information can also give the attacker -the account passwords and other valuable data of the victim. This is highly dangerous. Surveillance can be carried out by the spoofer even if the victim has a so called secure connection to the web-server. So basically, even if the victims browser shows the secure-connection icon (usually an image of a lock or a key) . It can be possible that the attacker is still successful in his Surveillance. 5.3.2 Tampering: Surveillance is basically just observing and registering confidential data of the victim. The spoofer can also MODIFY any of the data that may be travelling in either direction between the victim and the servers. This is called Tampering. If there are any forms submitted by the victim to the web servers, the attacker can bring about changes in the data entered. For example, if a person is purchasing a certain product on-line, the spoofer can change the product details, product number, shipping address etc. The attacker can also change the data returned by a Web server, for example by inserting misleadingoffensive material to trick the victim or to cause problems between the victim and the server. Misleadingoffensive material to trick the victim or to cause problems between the victim and the server. 5.3.3 Using the Web: It is not really difficult to spoof the entire World Wide Web, even though it might seem to be difficult. The attacker does not really have to store all the contents of the Web. The Web in its entirety is available on-line; so the spoofers server just has to fetch the required page or pages from the real Web whenever it needs to provide a copy of that page on the false Web. 5.4 Working of the attack: For this attack to work, the main duty of the attacker is to sit between the victim and the rest of the Web. This arrangement of sitting between the victim and the web is called a man in the middle attack. 5.5 Method: One of the most frequently used methods for web spoofing is URL Rewriting. 5.5.1 Url Rewriting Once the attacker fetches the real document, the attacker rewrites all of the URLs in the document into the same special form by same spoofing technique. Then the attackers server provides the rewritten page to the victims browser. This is how URL rewriting is used for spoofing. 5.6 Protection: Web spoofing is one of the most dangerous and undetectable security attacks that can be carried out in the web-world today. But of course, there are certain preventive measures that can be taken: 5.6.1 Short-term protection: These are the steps to follow for short term protection: a) Disable JavaScript in your browser so the spoofer wont be able to hide the evidence of the attack; b) Your browsers location line should always be visible; c) Observe URLs displayed on your browsers location line, and make sure that the URLs always point to the server you think youre connected to. 5.6.2 Long-term protection: There is no fully satisfactory long-term solution to this problem. But few things that can be done: a) Changing browsers can help, so they always display the location line. But the users have to know how to recognise the correct URLs. b) Using improved Secured-connection indicators. Fig 5.1.The picture above gives an idea of how web spoofing is done SECTION 6 DLL SPOOFING Dynamic Link Libraries or DLL are software object modules, or libraries, linked into a program while it is running DLLs are a feature that allows programs to share common codes so as to help developers to make programs easily and efficiently.DLLs are extensively used in newer versions of Windows. Fig 6.1.This picture above is hardware id DLL 6.1 INTRODUCTION: DLL code runs in the context of its host program, it inherits the full capabilities of the programs user with spoofing. The DLL spoof causes a legitimate program to load a DLL with a Trojan horse instead of legitimate DLL. DLL spoofing can occur even if the legitimate DLL is beyond the attackers reach. Since when a program loads DLLs it searches through a sequence of directories looking for the required DLL. Spoofing occurs when the attacker succeeds in inserting the infected DLL-file in one of those directory in such a way that program finds it before it finds the legitimate DLL of the same name. Hence even if the file is write-protected or the attacker doesnt have access to the directory which contains the legitimate DLL then also he can attack the program. Whenever a user runs a program there occurs a linking algorithm which is used to find the file that holds the DLL. Usually it is the one with DLL suffix. Linking algorithm searches through three different categories: 1. Programs directory: It is the directory which holds programs file. 2. System directory: Contains a series of entries. As we have discussed earlier to spoof the user only needs to insert an infected or malicious DLL file into the working directory. If the infected DLL file has the same name as the legitimate DLL then the algorithm will link the fake DLL file to the otherwise trusted program. The infected DLL can then create a new process. It runs in the full capabilities of the user who runs the, it perform the task and request the original DLL file as asked by the user so as not to arouse suspicion. With the help of fake DLL the attacker can now do whatever task he want which is under the capabilities of the fake DLL. Among the three above mentioned directories, the program directory and the system directory are most vulnerable as the location is predefined. But in the case of working directory this task is hard to perform as the directory is set by the program only and hence its directory is unknown to the user. Fig 6.2 dependency walker 6.2. WORKING OF ATTACK: This is where the social engineering skills come into play. The attacker tries to convince the user to open a simple file. This simple file can be a image too and can be located at any remote place like http://. Now the victim (in this case our user) tries to open that file (in this case the image) through a preinstalled software on his machine like a image viewer. Now this image viewer is vulnerable by the binary planting attack. Now the image viewer may require a DLL file to load dynamically. As the full path name gas not been specified before hand, image viewer will give instructions to Microsoft Windows to search for the required DLL file in a particular order. Directories in order: Working directory The system directory The 16-bit system directory Windows directory Current directory Directories which are listed in PATH environment variables Usually Current directory is the directory in which the image viewer file is stored. Now the attacker has control over one of the directories which windows search for, and hence he will be able to place a malicious copy of the dll in that directory. In such a case the application will load and run the malicious DLL without verification. And now the attacker has gained full control of the affected machine, and now he will be able to perform all the unwanted actions on the machine such as hack into the existing account, create a new account, access important files on specific directories and more. In such a case web securities like firewall has become an essential instrument to block and prevent the downloading of such malicious files from a remote network location. 6.3 TARGETS: The easiest and the most obvious targets for DLL spoofing are the machines running on windows. As here the registry has not been properly updated with a safe-search order for loading DLLs. The safe-search order is not an issue for the PCs running on XP as there are few infectious program and registries which point to fake DLLs or the DLLs which do not even exist. Such program or entries are the real cause of spoofing in the case of XP. Trojans, web caches and email are some of the ways in which codes are placed in the file system. Since obviously having a misconfigured programs or the search path does not mean that the machine will start running malicious code. As we know this breach is more harmful then the DLL spoof as ordinary user can easily place malicious file in the current folder like in Shared Documents. So when another user with privileged rights opens the document in the same directory, then this directory will become the Current Directory for the machine it will search for the DLLs before the system directory and hence allowing the ordinary user to operate the machine with privileged rights. Now one may ask that simply placing the DLL in the shared directory or a web cache will not allow it to be loaded, for the DLLs to be loaded they must be kept in either of system directory, the application directory or a path provided by the application that tries to load the DLL. So the answer is that being able to write to system and application file space already implies administrator privileges so there would be no need for DLL spoofing. Hence it arises the need of online security against the spoofing and accessing to administrator privileges. Now one may ask that simply placing the DLL in the shared directory or a web cache will not allow it to be loaded, for the DLLs to be loaded they must be kept in either of system directory, the application directory or a path provided by the application that tries to load the DLL. So the answer is that being able to write to system and application file space already implies administrator privileges so there would be no need for DLL spoofing. Hence arises the need of online security against the spoofing and accessing to administrator privileges. 6.4 PROTECTION: Microsoft Windows install auxiliary services like FTP server, telnet and web server which are not critical. If those services which are not needed by the administrator are removed then the threat is reduced at once. Microsoft, which we already know seems to have greatest problem with spoofing, tries to solve this problem using their Microsoft Authenticode Certificates. Well Microsoft needs to update DLLs continuously as outdated DLL could be dangerous in this world of hackers.Now the question arises that how we know that this DLLs are updated. Microsoft solved this problem with Microsoft 2000, by digitally signing the drivers by Windows Hardware Quality Lab(WHQL) tests. The drivers that passed were given a Microsoft digital signature. As mentioned earlier, in the present time this signing is done with Microsoft Authenticode Certificates. An authorized signer is used for these purpose which is known as thwarted. In present time many designers came up with a variety of tamper resistance. They concluded that even though a particular approach may seem effective, only Microsoft would have the resources, scope and platform control to make it practical . Here are two concepts which contain handling of drivers: Protected Path: Specifically known as PVP (Protected Video Path) and PUMA (Protected User Mode Audio). These are the mechanism used to support DRM (Digital Rights Management) rules about safe content presentations. Protected Environment: It is a kernel mechanism to ensure that kernel-mode drivers are safe for protected contents. These drivers should be signed by Microsoft and must implement specific security functions. All the kernel-mode drivers should be signed to ensure there safe origin and also that they are not tampered with. New mechanisms like OCP (Output Content Protection) are used in the versions after Windows Vista. Though at higher level OCPs Protected Path and Protected Environment make sense but it includes great complexity, management process and supporting infrastructure. Also implementation of OCP means device drivers get numerous new security responsibilities. Going back to DLL, a new complexity is revocation. Authorization is not useful unless it can be revoked when a compromise is discovered. For this Microsoft runs a revocation infrastructure that distributes a Microsoft Global Revocation List to identify no longer authorized driver software. Software revocation is problematic because of potential effect on users who may suddenly be unable to play content through no fault of their own. So revocation is likely to occur well, only after updates are distributed. So we have seen that after all the measures used by Microsoft, there is a long window of content vulnerability SECTION 7 IP SPOOFING 7.1 INTRODUCTION: IP spoofing refers to the creation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets with a forged source IP address, called spoofing, with the p
Friday, October 25, 2019
George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 :: Free Essays on 1984
As Winston Smith entered his apartment building, he passed a familiar poster. "It was one of those pictures which are so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption beneath it ran." Then Winston opened the door to his flat to be greeted by a voice on his "telescreen" - a device he could dim, but never shut off completely. Telescreens broadcasted government propaganda and served as the eyes and ears of the Thought Police, who scrutinized everyone for any possible deviation from acceptable thought or action. In the flat was a tiny alcove just out of sight from the telescreen's vision. Winston sat down to write in his diary, an act that was not officially illegal "but if detected it was reasonably certain that it would be punished by death . . . " While he sat writing, a recent memory stirred in his mind; the "Two Minutes Hate," a government-sponsored work break in which every worker at the Ministry of Truth was required to participate, had consisted that day of an interlude when everyone raged and screamed as the telescreen alternately flashed images of enemy Eurasian soldiers and Goldstein, an abhorred traitor. That morning, Winston had noticed a "bold-looking girl of about twenty-six" who worked in the Fiction Department. This particular girl - wearing the bright scarlet sash of the official anti-sex league - gave him "the impression of being more dangerous than most," and Winston had that unnerving feeling that she was watching him. A few days later, Winston walked through the working-class "prole" neighborhood to the antique shop where he had bought his diary. Though class barriers stood tensely in place throughout Oceania, Mr. Charrington, the shop owner, welcomed him and invited him upstairs to see other items. There wasn't much there, but Winston liked the old-fashioned room; it didn't even have a telescreen. When Winston again slipped out onto the street, he passed the dark-haired girl from the Fiction Department. Now he was sure she was an informant. Back at work, as Winston walked toward the lavatory, the girl reappeared in the hall. Then, just a few feet in front of him, she stumbled and fell. When he offered his hand to help her up, she slipped him a scrap of paper. Shaken, Winston decided to open the paper later at the cubicle where he rewrote old newspaper articles, deleting any reference to persons who had deviated from orthodoxy.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Giant Pacific Octopus
The Giant Pacific Octopus This paper is about octopus dofleni, which is a bottom-dwelling octopus that lives on coasts of the pacific ocean, from Northern Japan to California. This essay will provide a brief overview of its life, habits and other characteristics of this, intelligent and creative invertebrate and member of the Octopodidae family. The life of the pacific giant may begin at any time of the year. The mating season however tends to peak in the month of December, with most of their eggs being laid in April and May. Octopuses reproduction is sexual and takes place in the somewhat shallow depths of 25 -100m and can last hours.The fertilization process begins with the male octopus, he uses his third right tentacle which has no suckers but a modified structure known as the hectocotylus to pass spermatophore from within his mantle cavity into the the mantle cavity of the female, also known as the oviduct. Male octopuses may mate with more than one female in their lifetime and f emales tend have a preference of larger males for their mates. While the female lives until the eggs have time to hatch, the male dies only a few months after breeding. ReproductionAfter being fertilized the female will close herself off in a den here she will lay anywhere between 20,000 and 100,000 eggs over a span of 2-3 weeks. Incubation can take from six to eight months. During this time the female octopus will take to cleaning algae and bacteria off the eggs as well as blowing water at them to keep a steady supply of oxygen. After the eggs hatch, the mother clears an opening in the den for her young to swim up to the surface of the ocean. Life Span After hatching the octopus larva become much like plankton, drifting along the surface of the ocean feeding on particles of dead food from other larger animals.This stage lasts 30-90 days at which point the octopus descends to the bottom of the ocean where it will spend the rest of its life. The Pacific giant may live up to five year s without mating. Some have been recorded weighing up to 600 pounds and being 31 feet wide, but the average size is only about 9 feet wide and 100 pounds in weight, still weighing in as the largest species of octopus. The Den of the Octopus When making or finding a den, octopuses are very resourceful, some dig up areas of sea floor to build their own den, but others prefer to live in manmade dens such as sunken ships.Dens are very important to octopuses, they use them for hatching their eggs, feeding, and sometimes uses it to hide from predators such as larger octopuses and seals. In general, octopuses are very mobile, and may occupy multiple dens in their lifetime. Feeding Habits Octopuses feed on everything from smaller octopus, crustaceans, crabs, and shrimp. Octopuses usually hunt at night and capture their prey in many different ways, some use their brute strength and size while others poison prey with their venom.Lifestyle and Characteristics Much like the other aspects of its life, the octopus is very resourceful, in its defense and hunting methods and mechanisms. Some species of octopus are extremely poisonous to man; they can administer their poison in two ways, by either biting with their bird like beaks, or releasing the venom into the surrounding water of its prey. Though octopuses usually use this tool for hunting, and not defense, this poison can attack the nervous, and respiratory systems of man and can cause death within an hour.There is currently no known antivenom for the octopus’s deadly poison. Octopuses also have the ability to change the color of their skin in order to camouflage themselves. This is done through the use of chromatophore cells in the skin. Chromatophore cells are comprised of three sacks containing different colors. The octopus can adjust these colors to match the color of their background. The normal color of the octopus is brown, but it is also seen in other colors correlating with their emotions, such as red for anger and white for fear.The skin of the octopus is generally very soft, the only part that is not is the beak or the head of the octopus, this allows octopuses to fit through holes no larger than the beak its self. All octopuses have the ability to shoot out a jet of purple or blackish ink like fluid from under their eyes, in order to perform a disappearing act when they feel threatened. The octopus can shoot out several blotches of this fluid before the fluid sac is emptied. This trick is not always an option, the ink is actually toxic to the octopus, and if shot in a confined area, the octopus will become sick or even die.Octopuses have fairly good eyes, in fact they are comparable to ours in clarity. The eyes of the octopus differ from ours, in the aspect that they focus by moving in, and out while the human eye works by changing the shape and size of the lens itself. The octopus also posseses the most advanced brain of all invertebrates, with both short, and long term memories. This allows the octopus to learn in much the same way as humans, through trial and error. When an octopus learns a lesson it remembers and puts its knowledge to use in the future.The octopus has eight arms, with 250 suckers on each arm for a total of 2000 suckers on their body. These suckers are very sensitive to touch, in fact, the octopus can differentiate between different objects just as well with their suckers as they can with their eyes. Some species have particular suckers that are larger than the rest This is to aid in reproduction. Although octopuses often lose arms to predators, it is of no consequence as the arm will grow back in a short time. The Octopus Dolfeni and Man The pacific giant is the most common commercial species of octopus and is caught by fisheries from north Japan to Washington state.The octopuses are caught in large sometimes clay pots and raised to the surface. The octopuses are used for bait and for consumption by humans. Although these octopuses are c aught in nearly all of their habitats, they are not endangered. The ocean is where life began, and is a far more competitive, and harsher world than the world we know. So it comes as no surprise that the most advanced and well adapted life forms would be found in the ocean. Although octopuses do not build large structured civilizations, they are obviously another form of intelligent and highly adapted life forms.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Reservation in India Essay
Reservation policy fails to achieve its purpose of giving equal opportunity to everyone because of lack of infrastructure in the rural areas of the country where the proportion of backward classes is significant. A number of people living in some remote areas in Orissa, M. P. or Bihar are not even aware of these policies. They are deprived of even primary education and basic employment which make them more backward financially. It fails to establish which causes disequilibrium in the status of the states. The total reservation quota stands at 49% in many states of India and this includes the SCs, STs and OBCs. The trend seems to have shifted to reverse discrimination rather than more affirmative action. Some backward class’s elite have gained political and economic clout based on this reservation. However a majority of the backward classes is not living any differently than before because their subsistence is meagre and rural lifestyles do not provide them with any of the benefits. The worst thing is that many are not even aware of these policies, especially in the interior parts of the nation. Thus a distinct economic class system exists within the backward classes. Mostly undeserving people have gained the advantages and the deserving ones are still without any significant positive change in their plight. It is interesting to note that the constitutional provisions regarding reser vations which explicitly single out certain castes for special preferential treatment contradicts the documents prohibition on discrimination based on caste, race and other such other criteria. Besides, despite the creation of commissions to monitor the implementation of reservation policy by the centre the constitution gives great liberties to the individual states to determine the quantity and limits of reservation which often lead to exploitation. In reality there is no abolishment of caste system. Instead the disparity increases because of antagonistic attitude on both sides. The member of lower class strongly feel that they do not have sufficient reservation and the members of upper classes feel that inspite of their hard work and merits they do not have the same opportunities. Despite constitutional prohibitions and laws, violence and injustices against untouchables continue even today, particularly in rural areas. The other minorities are demanding reserved representation too, which would ultimately lead to a situation where the seat left for the majority would not be proportional to their population. Thus the whole purpose of providing equal opportunity gets defeated. The caste system and discrimination have persisted in spite of the reservation quota. The reservation policy has brought a climate of antagonism between people belonging to different castes. Regional political parties have sprung with an agenda to promote casteism for their partisan gains. Reservation has become an electoral tool nowadays. Reservation policy has also bluntly promoted caste over intellect and hard work. As a result we are producing substandard engineers, doctors, bureaucrats and other professionals under the present reservation policy. The policy just does not stop at such opportunity. It promotes incompetent people and promotes these people over deserving and qualified individuals. The reservation policy has started to divide India’s future generations at a very small age. Children not belonging to a reserved category have to work twice as hard compared to a kid with a reserved future with already much better financial means. May be the reservations policy has double crossed as we see today are mostly held by the upper class people because they have been thought to excel since childhood to the lack a reserved future and opportunities. If we continue to bring people in our colleges, filling our jobs and promoting the decision making positions based on the caste, soon we would be only country with the least number of competent people. We need a policy which really helps people deprived of education and means of better life. Reserving a certain percentage of seats in the higher education and jobs in the high ranks of the government is not going to help to solve problems of 85% of total backward castes population. The above picture clearly shows that the reservation policies in the last 64 years have failed for what they meant to do. It is time to try new approach to abolish reservation because merit and efficiency are in great danger. At this point of time the abolition of the reservation quota and a better system of affirmative action would be beneficial to the whole nation. We can propose that (1) Further policies or entreaties for any kind of reservation need to be discarded and disconnected. (2) There is need for a slow but a steady removal of reservation quotas. (3) Development of more and better infrastructure in the rural areas to remove disparities is necessary. Education and knowledge in a modern society would lead to removal of some, if not all, discrepancies in treatment of people based on caste, culture and religion. (4) We could also develop a system to find the neediest economically backward classes to work for that upliftment of backward classes. (5) For already entered categories (in employment) we could make the promotions of the jobs merit based. There have been improvements due to the reservation policies, which can not be denied at any cost. But it is not easy to pinpoint as to now much of these improvements can be credited to reservations and how much might have occurred without them as a result of government’s general development policies and economic growth. It can be concluded that reservation policy and its persistence is likely to increase the caste gap rather than help decrease it. The bitter truth is that these policies will never help reach the long cherished goal of equality. So here comes a need for serious consideration for the reservation policy in India, especially when it comes to educational institution and employment. Let us stop it. We can not pay for our faults for long. Part XVI of the constitution deals with special provisions for certain classes, viz. Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes. However the constitution does not specify the persons who fall in these two categories but leaves it to be determined by the President of India. Some of the important measures made by the constitution for this purpose include. (a) Reservation of seats for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha and State Legislatures on the basis of their population. (b) Bestowal of certain special powers on the State Governments to impose some special restrictions on the right of SCs and STs to protect their interests. (c) Provisions of special grants by the centre to the state for meeting the cost of scheme of welfare designed for the scheduled tribes and raising the level of the administration in scheduled areas. (d) Appointment of a National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Tribes by the President. It is the duty of the Commission to investigate the matters relating to safeguards for SCs and STs and to submit necessary report to the President. That report is laid before each House of Parliament. (e) To pay special attention to the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of society to prevent their exploitation. Backward Classesâ€â€besides special provisions for the SCs and STs, The Constitution has made separate provisions for the improvement of all. Backward classes are not defined in the constitution but since it comes in addition to the terms STs and SCs. We may conclude that there are other backward classes as well. Article 340 provides for the appointment of commission to investigate the conditions of backward classes. Two Backward class commissions were set up under Article 340 after the constitution was adopted. The Kakkasaheb Kelkar commission, appointed in 1953 submitted its report in 1955 and used four criteria for identifying other Backward Classes (OBCs) (1) Low social position in the traditional hierarchy of Hindu Society. (2) Lack of educational progress among majority of a particular caste/ community. (3) Inadequate representation in trade, commerce and industry. (4) Inadequate representation in Government, The commission used the first criterion to relate with social backwardness. The report was considered too vague and impractical. The centre’s next initiative come in 1978 when the Janta Government appointed a commission under B.P. Mandal to find out how many backward classes there were in the country. The report of this commission which identified 3743 backward class was shelved till 1990 when the V.P. Singh Government brought out the order for 27% reservation in central services for other backward classes. Now, the air is now thick with the sense of dejavu which we experienced in early 90s. In one swift the present UPA Government again raised the bogey of reservation thereby again dividing India. Besides imposing a quota in cnetral universities and institutes it is also pushing companies for a job quota in the private sector. The Common Minimum Programme promises reservations for OBC in higher educational institutes. In fact it speaks of being very sensitive to the issue of affirmative action including reservations in the Private sector. It is sheer politics. The desperation is reflection of the fact that the Congress is unable to reinvent itself in its quest for a majority. Neither BJP nor Congress can boast of social diversity that is necessary to represent the plurality of India. The country’s two largest parties are controlled by upper caste. The Congress believes it can alter its state of irrelevance in over 200 Lok Sabha seats by wooing back Dalits and OBCs. Instead of giving reservations, scholars say, we must take a series of sequential steps ranging from education to vocational training to financing enterprises though some parties prefer quick fix solutions. The Congress is one of them. It has taken diagnosis of a physician and approached a quack for prescription. Our population is 1.02 billion and the SC/ST population is around 240 million (24 crore). Let us have a look at some telling figures about reservations. (1) The number of OBC MPs sitting in Parliament is 110. (2) 12 Chief Ministers of the states belong to OBC in present. (3) The literacy rate of SCs is 37.82% (4) 79.88% of high school drop out are from Scheduled Castes. (5) 1 lakh estimated number of Government jobs under quota lies vacant across the country. (6) 6% class I Central Government jobs are held by Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes. (7) 89% class I Central Government jobs are held by others who constitute only 25% of the population.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Make a Liquid Layers Density Column
Make a Liquid Layers Density Column When you see liquids stack on top of each other in layers, its because they have different densities from each other and dont mix well together. You can make a density column with many liquid layers using common household liquids. This is an easy, fun and colorful science project that illustrates the concept of density. Density Column Materials You can use some or all of these liquids, depending on how many layers you want and which materials you have handy. These liquids are listed from most-dense to least-dense, so this is the order in which you pour them into the column. HoneyCorn syrup or pancake syrupLiquid dishwashing soapWater (can be colored with food coloring)Vegetable oilRubbing alcohol (can be colored with food coloring)Lamp oil Make the Density Column Pour your heaviest liquid into the center of whatever container you are using to make your column. If you can avoid it, dont let the first liquid run down the side of the the container because the first liquid is thick enough it will probably stick to the side so your column wont end up as pretty. Carefully pour the next liquid you are using down the side of the container. Another way to add the liquid is to pour it over the back of a spoon. Continue adding liquids until you have completed your density column. At this point, you can use the column as a decoration. Try to avoid bumping the container or mixing its contents. The hardest liquids to deal with are the water, vegetable oil, and rubbing alcohol. Make sure that there is an even layer of oil before you add the alcohol because if there is a break in that surface or if you pour the alcohol so that it dips below the oil layer into the water then the two liquids will mix. If you take your time, this problem can be avoided. How the Density Column Works You made your column by pouring the heaviest liquid into the glass first, followed by the next-heaviest liquid, etc. The heaviest liquid has the most mass per unit volume or the highest density. Some of the liquids dont mix because they repel each other (oil and water). Other liquids resist mixing because they are thick or viscous. Eventually some of the liquids of your column will mix together.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Gluclose effects on osmosis essays
Gluclose effects on osmosis essays Studying the Effect of Various Glucose Concentrations on Osmosis in a Potato Osmosis is the process in which water particles move from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration through a semi-permeable membrane until the concentrations are equal. Osmosis has the same basic theory as diffusion. Particles are moving from an area where they are in great concentration to an area where they are in low concentration until the concentrations are the same. Osmosis is this movement of water particles and the particles must move through a semi or partially permeable membrane (a membrane that lets some things through but not others). An example of this type of membrane is a cell wall, like in a potato. Osmosis occurs when two things occur. One is if the cell has no water in it or has less water then the solution it is placed in. If this is the case then water will go from the solution, for it is the area of high water concentration, into the cell, for this is the area of low water concentration. If the cell has no water within it the cell is flaccid. As the water passes through the cell membrane, the cell fills with water and becomes turgid. Once the cell becomes turgid, no more water can enter the cell and osmosis stops. The other incident that can happen for osmosis to occur, is when the concentration of sugars or other minerals in the cell is different then that of the solution it is placed in. This is because the amount of sugar in the water either in the cell or in the solution is going to change the water concentrations as well. Whichever solution, either in the cell or not, contains a higher sugar concentration will have a lower water concentration. If the solution in the cell contains more sugar, salt or other minerals then the solution it is placed in, then it will have a lower water concentration. This will cause water from the external solution to pass through the cells semi-permeable ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Why You Might Want to Rethink Your Memoir
Why You Might Want to Rethink Your Memoir Stranger Than Fiction? Probably Not: Why you might want to rethink your memoir Today, our lovely editor and Reedsy advisor Rebecca Heyman shares her thoughts on writing memoirs. In this lively and informative post, Becca offers some brilliant no-nonsense insights on the competitiveness of the memoir genre and why fiction might be a safer bet.Memoir is everywhere. The genre is pervasive, clogging slush piles and hard drives and bookshelves. Part of its ubiquity might have something to do with the pop-psych notion fed to so many Millenials for so long, that we are all special and unique, our perspectives and experience critical. Another contributing factor is a literal interpretation of the author’s adage, â€Å"Write what you know,†which is in fact a call to use your experience as a launching point for story, not a script.To be clear: I am not addressing those writers producing memoir to establish a family legacy. In this article, I’m talking specifically to those authors who plan to query agents or indie-publish- in short, those who intend their work for public consumption.Okay, now that we’ve got that squared away, allow me to tell you why a vast majority of memoirists would be better off committing their creative energy to a novel or, if you must, a short story collection.Reason #1: You don’t have an existing platformHave a look at the best-selling memoirs for 2014. In preparation for writing this post, I looked at lists by the New York Times, the Guardian, Huffington Post, The Daily Beast, and more. What I found is that close to 70% of the titles on all these lists came from famous people- politicians, celebrities, musicians, or figures of national import. The remaining 30-or-so percent of successful memoirs came from people with extraordinary personal experiences (think Cheryl Strayed’s Wild adventure), or previously published authors or poets.Even based on such an unscientific survey, it’s easy to see that the memoirs selling best giv e readers a glimpse into a life most of us can’t imagine. And since the best memoirs transport us to another time and place the same way a good novel does, that distance between reader and author experience is critical. Follow Becca and Reedsy on Twitter: @RFaithEditorial and @ReedsyHQWhat are your thoughts on memoir writing? Is the genre too competitive and dominated by celebrities for first-time authors to stand a chance? Let us know your thoughts, or ask Becca any question, in the comments below!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Hemi's case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hemi's case study - Assignment Example While under interrogation by the crisis worker Hemi responds but provide confusing details. He claims that there existed a Koro that persuaded him to try and cross the river and that he communicates with it (Cormier, Nurius, & Osborn, 2009). He has become a matter of concern with his parents in that they consider him not to well as he used to be. In the video hemi speaks to himself and mentions Koro throughout the interview. 2. Clinical Formulation: It’s an approach that combines bio-psychosocial factors. Information is viewed as either presenting, predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating and protective. They are all included in the clinical presentation of the patient by the psychiatrist (Haynes & O'Brien, 2011). Presenting factors are the major and initial concern of the patient. They assist in ensuring that one has a clear understanding concerning the patient. Hem’s situation is as a result of the death of his Koro, since then Koro has hemi has changed in behaviour. They claim he has never been the same gain since the death of his grand father who has been attributed to be very close to Hemi is the route cause of the situation, in that his activities change and is defenceless and he is limited in the support of the family due to there limited knowledge in matters to do with mental illness. Precipitating factors: The main cause of Hemi’s is his grandfathers death of with his relation and connectivity to him resulted loosing his mind. The result is him jumping into the river in the effort of feeling unsecure. He explains each statement with reference to kora. The other factors are predisposing Factors in our case the immediate surrounding has influenced the situation that Hemi is experience the fact that he has experience a change in the environment in that the fact that his Koro will never be around again has not accepted by his mind in that he feels as if she is around (Groth-Marnat, 2009). From the ignorance of the parents he is forced to delusion the matter and his status worsen with less intervention. Perpetuating Factors are those that are hindering Hemi from feeling better. His parents may be the reason as to why his situation. Although they are concerned they have played a less role in ensuring that Hemi comes in term with the death of his Koro (Rosdahl, 2008). They look confused on the situation of Hemi thus becoming a hindrance in the recovery of their son. This leads to the delusion of Hemi and he result him jumping into the river The last factors are the protective factors in which they assist in the well being of Hemi. They include the environment in that change of location away from where Koro lived may change the situation of hemi since it will help in erasing the memories of Koro. The other component is the parents who should play a supportive role and issue him with new hopes by doing so hemi will settle psychology. From both the mental and clinical formulation a set of approval and diagnoses is det ermined to ensure the whole case is found a solution (Ingram, 2011). Hemi’s case has resulted in refusal to engage in activities teenagers his age perform, like engage in outside sports. This is a result of his parent lacking inn the knowledge of his case which is as a result of adolesces. 3. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 1. Basic needs: Breathable (speak in full sentence, normal
Friday, October 18, 2019
Research Critique of Ostomy patients' perceptions of quality of care Essay
Research Critique of Ostomy patients' perceptions of quality of care - Essay Example The discussions are based on the researchers' ability to demonstrate an understanding of the qualitative paradigm and the particular qualitative method being used, if the problem clearly delineated with an appropriate rationale for using a qualitative approach, if the purpose for the study one of discovery and description, conceptualization (theory building), illusions, or sensitization, if the researcher-respondent relationship is understood and if the role of the researcher as "research tool" is apparent. This research critique carefully assessed the importance of a research paper for the improvement of the quality nursing care given to Ostomy patients. Recommendations would not be effective unless the process before setting up a recommendation is to be found true, correct and free from any bias. Centuries had already passed and compared to the world way back centuries ago, people today are more knowledgeable, and curios about the things going on around us. Compared to the lifestyle of the olden days, there are things which they believe is indescribable and even tuberculosis has no cure. Today, there are many things that science can do. It is no doubt then, that today's technological era has been achieved by the careful research of scientists, engineers and concerned people who aims to improve something which is inline with their forte. Through thorough research, things have been achieved which changes the world, that is why, careful and truthful research is essential. Can you imagine a world being deceived by false research It could not only harm the world and the society, malicious research, especially medical researches could cause death to patients instead of nursing them to make them better. In the research conducted by Persson, Eva PhD RN ETN; Gustavsson, Bengt PhD MD; Hellstrm, Anna-Lena PhD RN; Lappas, George BSc and Hultn, Leif PhD MD entitled Ostomy patients' perceptions of quality of care [ISSUES AND INNOVATIONS IN NURSING PRACTICE], the researchers aim to improve the nursing practices towards Ostomy patients to be able to provide them with quality care. They have fully understood and identified the needs of Ostomy patients, though following the qualitative research, it lacks the identification and thorough explanation of what Stoma is all about. They should have clearly defined Stoma and give a narrative explanation which would enable readers to picture out the severity if this illness. Through this, the reader would understand how and why it is important to focus on issues and innovations in nursing practice with regards to the quality care given to Ostomy patients. Before continuing with the research, the researchers should have also explained in clear, straightforward terms, all aspects of living with a stoma, including ways to feel more comfortable with it, and helps you overcome any embarrassment a patient may feel when talking to doctors and other healthcare professionals, to be able to get the best possible help and support. For those who have stoma, the surgery is life-saving, but they can be hard to adjust to, and even though no-one may know that a person have stoma it can make a patient feel
Portfolio Management based on Market Share and Market Growth Assignment
Portfolio Management based on Market Share and Market Growth - Assignment Example It was initially formed as a joint venture with Daimler-Benz AG of Germany. The company received a breakthrough by the launch of its first passenger car, The Tata Indica, in 1998. The company is headquartered in Mumbai, India. The company’s global recognition can be established by the fact that it is the fourth largest truck maker and third largest bus manufacturer in the world. The first Tata car was rolled out in the year 1954. Most of the production facilities of the company are located in India itself. Globally, Tata Motors have significant operational presence in UK, South Korea, Thailand and Spain apart from the market presence in Europe, Africa, Middle East, South America, South Asia and South East Asia. (Tata Motors, 2011) Some of the big ticket acquisitions and joint ventures inside and outside the country have helped Tata Motors to grow at a higher rate. Some of the big acquisitions made by Tata Motors are South Korea’s Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company, acqu isition of 21% stake in Spanish bus maker Hispano Carrocera and UK’s Jaguar Land Rover. Some of the notable joint ventures of Tata Motors are Tata Fiat in India, Tata Marcopolo and Thailand’s Thonburi Automotive Assembly Plant Company. Tata Motors has also made impact by introducing the world’s cheapest car Tata Nano in 2008. Even during such tremendous growth period, Tata Motors is highly impacted by globalisation. Globalisation has impacted Tata Motors in many ways. Increased competitions, technological advancement, marketing challenges, etc. are some of them. This essay will make a closer look into the various impacts of globalisation on Tata Motors. II. Theoretical Framework The impact of globalisation on Tata Motors can be analysed based on the various theories and models. Some of the models that can be used in this case are Pestel Framework, SWOT Analysis, 4 P’s, Porter’s Diamond Model and Boston Matrix. Using these tools will help to look cl osely into the globalisation issues of Tata Motors. Pestel Framework: Pestel framework will help to analyse Tata Motors regarding the challenges like political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal factors. It can be said that most of the impacts of globalisation can be discussed under any of these six environmental factors. â€Å"By using the PESTEL framework we can analyse the many different factors in a firm's macro environment.†(Oxford University Press, 2007) Understanding the factor(s) that has the most impact is important to formulate future strategies for the company. Therefore, a PESTEL analysis will help to identify which factor(s) cause the most impact on the businesses and operations of Tata Motors. SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis is important in this case because it will help to identify the internal and external advantages and disadvantages for Tata Motors. â€Å"SWOT is the overall evaluation of a company’s strengths, weaknesses, oppo rtunities, and threats.†(Wang, 2007) Understanding the strong and weak areas of a company is extremely important in order to decide how well it can make use of the market
Describe and evaluate the main macroeconomic policies used by the Essay - 3
Describe and evaluate the main macroeconomic policies used by the Government and Central Bank of Brazil over the last two years - Essay Example een undergoing a phase of sharp economic slowdown as inflation in the country has continued to slide up the scale to touch its highest level in the decade, with 12 month rolling inflation index (ICPA) clocking in at 7.70%, significantly above the country’s Central Bank target of 6.5%. It must be noticed that this is the highest inflation rate prevailing in the country even since May 2005, when the rates touched 8.05%. Brazil’s Central Bank plays with the policy of interest rate of the country in a bid to control the inflation in the country, as well as regularize the country’s currency (Media, 2015). Just recently Brazil’s Central Bank raised its interest rates for the third time in a row to touch the 12.75% level. The main motive behind the increase in the country’s discount rate was to control the rising inflation engulfing the economic spheres of the country, along with being in line with the monetary tightening stance taken by the Central Bank. A look further into the past tells us that in line with the slowdown being witnessed in the Brazilian economy, the Central Bank had cut its growth prediction for the country by a phenomenal 90 basis points to 0.7%. Essential to notice here is the fact that such low growth figures are below are generally below what other Latin American economies have forecasted, with the exception of Argentina and Venezuela. Taxation has also been a key cause of concern in the Brazilian economy. Within the time span of the last two years the government had given incentives to many industries to stimulate demand, for instance by giving tax breaks to the auto sector. However, knowing where Brazil currently stands at the moment, the current Government will have to take some non-populist measures including abandoning the incentives provided to various industries. The last two years have also seen changes in the country’s investment environment despite various efforts taken by the government and the Central Bank to control the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Dwarf planet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dwarf planet - Essay Example sume the spherical shape and secondly, they have not yet established a debris free orbit in their solar system and thirdly, they must not be satellites for other planets. Further, if the celestial object in question is too small to take the rounded spherical shape, it would probably be classified as a comet or an asteroid. In our own solar system, there are several objects that fall under this category of planets. The introduction of this new category of celestial objects was prompted by the recent discovery of Eris – a disc shaped cluster of debris that was located far beyond the orbit of Pluto. The other notable dwarf planets in our solar system are Ceres and Pluto. Ceres was for previously recognized as the largest asteroid and Pluto is demoted to dwarf planet status considering that its orbit is not as well established as other planets. It is interesting to note that these three are only the most prominent dwarf planets in our solar system. There could be as many as 200 orbiting in the outer reaches of our solar
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Manager and Effective Virtual Team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Manager and Effective Virtual Team - Essay Example 83, 2000). The four of the most significant challenges are (1) useful communication, (2) rapport creation, (3) dealing with conflicts and (4) leadership. Technology offers lesser prosperity as well as communal existence than face-to-face situation. Group associates lose data they are used to depending upon. This can cause misunderstandings, unsupported typecasts and misinterpretations. The majority of communications on technology occur with a â€Å"lag time between one message being sent and another received†(Fisher & Fisher, p. 102, 2000). This lessens the closeness as well as effectiveness of response, yet simultaneously provides individuals time to consider during replies. Executives should concentrate on the procedures by which virtual teams should get used to the circumstances. They can find out how to utilize a selection of technologies to be in touch properly with accurateness. They can discover how to utilize the lack of prosperity to their benefit. Premium associatio ns, distinguished by confidence and esteem, collaboration and obligation, are significant in every group. They decrease the level of negative disagreement and develop the team’s aptitude to deal with and get value from job connected disagreement. They boost individuals’ ease in bringing different point of views to the job, and develop the possibility that individuals will support and achieve the team’s goals. At times, premium relationships are even more imperative for virtual teams than for ‘in person’ ones: groups with excellent dealings can more effortlessly work separately with no apprehension for the procedure or result. Disagreements within a virtual team situation are as inescapable as in a cooperative situation. Even though the phrase disagreement normally has a little negative implication, a number of disagreements are generally thought to be encouraging for team performance. Confidence is a requirement for successful disagreement resolutio n. Because of the different background of group associates, the concerns causing disagreements vary between traditions, what is noticed or inferred as disagreement varies, and ultimately methods for resolving disagreements vary. It is apparent that having a better perceptive of disagreement methods within virtual teams is very important. Each group requires a â€Å"planned workspace, defined roles, a clear task strategy and explicit interaction norms†(Lepsinger & DeRosa, p. 193). In a face-to-face team, team members can completely discuss these processes as they view and respond to one another’s facial looks as well as other non-verbal actions. Within a virtual team, there is no such chance, and virtual teams that do not deal with these procedures are frequently unsuccessful to â€Å"get off the ground†(Lepsinger & DeRosa, p. 82). It is the manager’s responsibility to support appropriate response as well as suggestion, and vigorously build on the groupà ¢â‚¬â„¢s strong points as they appear. The team head has liability to guarantee that supporters are â€Å"kept up to date and involved in key exercises, as well as engaged as important resources to access different information and contacts†(Lepsinger & DeRosa, p. 204). An executive should be capable to use the expertise the group is reliant upon, for instance, â€Å"
Dwarf planet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dwarf planet - Essay Example sume the spherical shape and secondly, they have not yet established a debris free orbit in their solar system and thirdly, they must not be satellites for other planets. Further, if the celestial object in question is too small to take the rounded spherical shape, it would probably be classified as a comet or an asteroid. In our own solar system, there are several objects that fall under this category of planets. The introduction of this new category of celestial objects was prompted by the recent discovery of Eris – a disc shaped cluster of debris that was located far beyond the orbit of Pluto. The other notable dwarf planets in our solar system are Ceres and Pluto. Ceres was for previously recognized as the largest asteroid and Pluto is demoted to dwarf planet status considering that its orbit is not as well established as other planets. It is interesting to note that these three are only the most prominent dwarf planets in our solar system. There could be as many as 200 orbiting in the outer reaches of our solar
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Road and Drivers Essay Example for Free
Road and Drivers Essay Traffic accidents are big problem for megacities. Traffic accidents are caused by people, lack of traffic signs, problems of infrastructure Especially people should be aware of distractions that cause most common traffic accident. Because most common traffic accidents are caused by distractions. In megacities like Istanbul people don’t care traffic rules. They just use the car for their needs and when people are using car they don’t give enough attention. Because of this situation traffic accidents are increasing day by day. How can people reduce traffic accidents? They can reduce it first stay alert and pay attention the second don’t speed. Firstly the drivers in megacities should be stay alert and pay attention. When people are driving cars they mustn’t use their phones and they don’t distract themselves. Because most common traffic accidents are caused by distraction. For instance while driving car, answering a phone can be difficult and it can make distraction. People who is talking with the phone they lose their attention and they give all of their attention to the caller. While drivers are speaking with the phone, they can have an accident because they lose their attention to the other drivers and also roads. Drivers have be focus on the road which could also cause an accident if drivers are not careful. Using phone is really problem for drivers. They can also lose their attention with changing the music. For example while drivers using car sometimes they want to change the music and they look at the radio while they are searching music they don’t look at the road for a second and they lose their attention to the road and this can cause an accident. While people using car they have to focus on their road, they mustn’t use their phone and don’t struggle with the music Ä ±f they don’t want to have an accident. Secondly traffic volume is really important for megacities. If the roads are empty some drivers wants to make a speed and compete the other drivers. It can also make an accident. For example when the roads are empty, generally drivers want to make a speed. They don’t care the rules and they find one driver who makes speed at that moment and start to compete. It is really dangerous for them and also the other drivers because while they are competing they can make sudden changes on the road and lose the other drivers attention and they can cause an accident. Also when they are competing if the drivers make a small mistake, they have an accident and because of speed they can die. Speed is a big issue in megacities. There has some rules for speed and every driver has to obey them like that people can reduce the traffic accidents. To sum up traffic accident is a big issue for megacities if there is an accident on the roads, roads can lock suddenly and occur some problem. If people want to reduce traffic accident they have to give their attention to the road not the other this that makes them disturb. They mustn’t talk with the phone while they are driving cars. Speed is the important for reduce traffic accidents. Every city has a certain rules and people have to obey rules for reducing traffic accidents. If people want to continue their lives, they give more attention to the rules.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Marketing Mix and Market Segmentation
Marketing Mix and Market Segmentation Marketing mix What is the marketing mix? The marketing mix is probably the most famous marketing term. Its elements are the basic, tactical components of a marketing plan. The flowing marketing four p elements product price place and promotion of marketing mix The term marketing mix was first used in 1953 when Neil Borden, in his American Marketing Association presidential address, took the recipe idea one step further and coined tterm marketing-mix. Marketing Mix is a major concept in modern marketing and involves practically everything that a marketing company can use to influence consumer perception favorably towards its product or services so that consumer and organizational objectives are attained, i.e. Marketing mix is a model of crafting and implementing marketing strategy. It is the same with the marketing mix. The offer you make to you customer can be altered by varying the mix elements. So for a high profile brand, increase the focus on promotion and desensitize the weight given to price. Another way to think about the marketing mix is to use the image of an artists palette. Some commentators will increase the marketing mix to the Five Ps, to include Others will increase the mix to Seven Ps, Price There are many ways to price a product. Lets have a look at some of them and try to understand the best policy/strategy in various situations. Customers directly relate price to quality, particularly in case of products that are ego intensive of technology based. Sony being a company which emphasize product quality, it tends to sell its products with price range from moderately-high to high-prices, depending on the use and the targeted customers. For example, Lets consider Sony series of VAIO laptops. Sony has tried to categorize the laptops according to style, user, purpose, mobility and performance, and each a corresponding price. Another element of Neil Bordens Marketing Mix is Place. Place is also known as channel, distribution, or intermediary. It is the mechanism through which goods and/or services are moved from the manufacturer/ service provider to the user or consumer. Product For many a product is simply the tangible, physical entity that they may be buying or selling. You buy a new car and thats the product simple! Or maybe not. When you buy a car, is the product more complex than you first thought? The Three Levels of a Product The Product Life Cycle (PLC) is based upon the biological life cycle. For example, a seed is planted (introduction); it begins to sprout (growth); The Customer Life Cycle (CLC) has obvious similarities with the Product Life Cycle (PLC). However, CLC focuses upon the creation of and delivery of lifetime value to the customer i.e. looks at the products or services that customers NEED throughout their live. Promotion Sales promotions for example includes free samples, discount, rebates, coupons, contents and sweepstakes, premiums, scratch cards, exchange offers, early bird prizes, etc. Another one of the 4Ps is promotion. This includes all of the tools available to the marketer for marketing communication. Sales promotion is a marketing discipline that utilizes a variety of incentives techniques to structure sales related programs targeted to customers, trade, and/or sales levels that generate a specific, measurable action or response for a product or service. People People are the most important element of any service or experience. Services tend to be produced and consumed at the same moment, and aspects of the customer experience are altered Public Relations and Publicity Public relations is a broad set of communication activities employed to create and maintain favourable relationship with employees, shareholders,to meet the individual needs of the person consuming Process Process is another element of the extended marketing mix, or 7Ps.There are a number of perceptions of the concept of process within the business and marketing. For example to achieve a 30% market share a company implements a marketing planning process. Limitation of Marketing Mix Analysis (4Ps of Marketing) Despite the fact that marketing mix analysis is used as a synonym for the 4Ps of Marketing, it is criticised (Kotler Armstrong, 2004) on the point that it caters sellers view of market analysis not customers view. To tackle this criticism, Lauterborn (1990) attempted to match 4 Ps of marketing with 4 Cs of marketing to address consumer views: Product Customer Solution Price Customer Cost Placement Convenience Promotion Communication How to Write a Good Marketing Mix Analysis To follow a simple and best approach for marketing mix analysis, it is imperative to understand the purpose of this analysis. So the basic key is to analyse the companys overall marketing strategy primarily through the strategies it follows under the 4Ps of marketing Information for Marketing Mix Analysis Students may seek information regarding market mix analysis (4 Ps) from two basic sources: market and academic. For market sources, information is easily available from a companys website, business reports, newspapers/published data on marketing, independent market survey reports and, in some cases, students may visit a retail outlet to analyse a product, its pricing and promotional strategies. However, to get more specific details, marketing and advertising academic journals and secondary data in the form of case studies can be the ideal source. Developing the marketing mix Many non-profit organizations are skilled at event marketing . Events are organized to raise the funds, including dinners, dances, coffee mornings, book ales, sponsored walks and others.The pricing god the services provided by non-profit organizations may not follow the guidelines applicable to profit oriented pricing. For example the price of CE curse organized by non-profit CE center for Gypsies may be held low to encourage poor families to take advantage of this opportunity. Some non-profit organization even provide free access to services. Marketing in non-profit organizations Non-profit organization attempt to achieve some other objectives than profit. This does not mean that they are uninterested in income as they have to generate cash to survive. However their primary goal is non economic, e.g. to provide education. Marketing is of growing importance to many non-profit organizations because of the need to generate funds in an increasingly competitive arena. Even organization who rely on government sponsored grants need to show how their work is of benefit to society: they must meet the needs of their customers. Many non-profit organizations rely on membership fees or donations, which means that communication to individuals and organization .Marketing strategy A strategy gives business a defined route to follow and a clear destination. Build a marketing strategy and you will ensure that marketing is a long-term way of working, not a one-off activity. A marketing strategy provides organisation with shared vision of the future. All too often, an organisation will perform a marketing task, such a direct mail shot, then sit back and see what happens. A strategic approach will ensure that you maximise returns on your marketing spending and boost the profits of your organisation. Strategic marketing manager has a clear picture of the future anticipates changes in the market works towards clear long/term goals Non-strategic marketing manager lives day to day without planning reacts to canges in the market has only short-term objectives During the creating of the marketing strategy the marketing manager should proceed as follows: create the team review current situation set objectives plan action Market segmentation Market segmentation is a concept in economics and marketing. A market segment is a sub-set of a market made up of people or organizations with one or more characteristics that cause them to demand similar product and/or services based on qualities of those products such as price or function. A true market segment meets all of the following criteria: it is distinct from other segments (different segments have different needs), it is homogeneous within the segment (exhibits common needs); it responds similarly to a market stimulus, and it can be reached by a market intervention. The term is also used when consumers with identical product and/or service needs are Positive market segmentation.Market segmenting is dividing the market into groups of individual markets with similar wants or needs that a company divides the market into distinct groups who have distinct needs, wants, behaviour or who might want different products services. Broadly, markets can be divided according to a numbe r of general criteria, such as by industry or public versus private although industrial market segmentation is quite different from consumer market segmentation, both have similar objectives. All of these methods of segmentation are merely proxies for true segments, which dont always fit into convenient demographic boundaries divided up into groups so they can be charged different amounts. These can broadly be viewed as positive and negative applications of the same idea, splitting up the market into smaller groups. Market segmenting is dividing the market into groups of individual markets with similar wants or needs that a company divides the market into distinct groups who have distinct needs, wants, behavior or who might want different products services. Fig positive market segmentation in group. Price Discrimination Where a monopoly exists, the price of a product is likely to be higher than in a competitive market and the quantity sold less, generating monopoly profits for the seller. Market Segmentation is Critical Segmentation can make a huge difference in understanding your market. For example, when a local computer store defines its customer segments as high-end home office and high-technology small business, its segmentation says a lot about its customers. The segmentation helps the company plan its focus on the different types of potential customers MANUFACTURER CUSTOMER RETAILER Decisions with respect to distribution channel focus on making the product available in adequate quantities at places where customers are normally expected to shop for them to satisfy their needs. Depending on the nature of the product, marketing management decides to put into place an exclusive, Summary We Partner With Our Clients to Maximize Profit and Market Share Analytic Partners delivers results-oriented consulting services including marketing mix modelling, forecasting, custom analytics, and software tools designed to: .minimum price Maximize promotion effectiveness ability Support business planning Global Network, Local Experience With offices in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific, our global network coupled with our extensive in-country experience allows us to deliver actionable insights at local, regional, and global levels. Client-Centric, Partnership Approach Our organizational model and operating culture is one of collaboration. We work with our clients to help drive action and fully benefit from the insights identified through Please Contact Us to learn more our work. Executive Summary3 In brief, this assignment is concerned about marketing management. It covers in details about the concept of marketing mix with the aid of Sony organization which I have taken as a case study in exploring the way this organization has applied the marketing mix. In this assignment the following points are going to be discussed: Sample List of Marketing Mix being used By the organization. Find out if the marketing mix used by organization is satisfactory. My suggestion to the organization concerning the marketing mix Conclusion The customer needs, usage and budgets, ajay has provided several home products ranging from small packages to big audio systems. They boast on their Hi-Fi which deliver rich music, made richer with preset equalizer  settings. Among other features which Sony boast to offer are like, multiple disc changers which for putting many discs at a go. Also, some even house additional features such as the ability to handle multiple formats, track programming and repeat and random play.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Investigating the Resistance of Wires :: Papers
Investigating the Resistance of Wires Aim: To investigate how the diameter of a constantan wire will affect its resistance and hence the current flowing through it. Prediction: I predict that the thicker the diameter the less resistance there will be. Reason: In a metal, some of the electrons are free to move between the ions, to form a "sea" of electrons around the positive metal ions. Metals that are good conductors have more "free" electrons and therefore these electrons move easily around the positive metal ions. However in metals that have fewer "free" electrons, the ions act as obstacles to the flow of electrons and therefore the wire has resistance. The current becomes stronger with the more electrons that flow through a wire in one second. As the diameter increases the electrons will have more available routes between the ions to pass through per second, making the electron flow greater hence the current becoming stronger. See figures 1 and 2: [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] In a larger diameter, there [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE]Figure 1: are more routes for free [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] electrons to travel [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] through. [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] In a smaller diameter, [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE]Figure 2: there are fewer routes [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] for the free electrons [IMAGE] to travel through. Plan: I will set up a circuit consisting of a cell, ammeter, voltmeter and 50cm of constantan wire. The diameters I will use are as follows. 0.56mm, 0.43mm, 0.38mm, 0.32mm, 0.27mm and 0.20mm. I will measure these diameters with a micrometer. I will take three readings of the current and potential difference for each different diameter of the wire and take an average for V (potential difference measured by a voltmeter) and I (current measured by an ammeter) in order to get the most accurate results possible. I will then plot these results in two graphs one plotting V against I and another plotting the average resistance (using ohm's law R=V/I) against the diameter.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Graduation Speech: We Can Be Heroes -- Graduation Speech, Commencemen
Class of 2012, as we sit here this evening, I would like you to take a look at the classmates sitting around you. Many students have given countless hours of time, energy, and passion to worthy cuases that they have been a part of throughout high school. However, those aren't the only students deserving of recognition this evening. We have students here tonight, who have taken a stand for what they believe in, not even hesitating to compromise their reputations. I believe there are many ordinary heroes wearing caps and gowns tonight. Many of you are heroes because you challenge yourselves to be more accepting of those around you. Some of you heroes woke up every day and came to school with the desire to reach out to those hurting and in need of a friend. Other heroes went the extra mile to make someone feel important, encouraging them and offering hope they may not otherwise have experienced. One of our deepest needs as humans is to be valued. The need to be needed is often more powerful than the need to survive. Every one of us has a deep longing to write our signature on the world. As individuals, we are each equipped with unique gifts and talents to share with our family, our community, and our world. Nelson Mandela once said, "As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." When we open ourselves to become all that we were created to be, we allow those around us to be themselves, empowering them to be a unique individual and to use the talents they possess. It doesn't matter if we are brilliant, beautiful, or incredibly charismatic. We can make a difference by just being who we are. We simpl... ...ctivities, while encouraging us to be our best. These acts of love and many more are what make you our heroes. Class of 2012, I challenge you to recognize the heroes in your life, and continue to be heroes yourselves. Author Charles Swindoll said, "We need heroes. I mean genuine heroes, authentic men and women who are admired for their achievements, noble qualities, and courage. Such people aren't afraid to be different. They risk. They stand a cut above." Swindoll's message speaks so highly of those who are heroes and those who have the potential to be heroes. So, here is my challenge to you. Rise above your fears, take risks, and don't let your abilities collect dust. Instead, live life passionately, dream big, and seek every day in ways small and large to write your signature on the planet. But be careful ... you may just empower someone else to do the same.
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