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Cultural Dissonance Unfamiliar Sense of Disharmony
Question: Examine about theCultural Dissonance for Unfamiliar Sense of Disharmony. Answer: Presentation: An awkward and new feel...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Cultural Dissonance Unfamiliar Sense of Disharmony
Question: Examine about theCultural Dissonance for Unfamiliar Sense of Disharmony. Answer: Presentation: An awkward and new feeling of disharmony, distress, strife, or disarray that individuals interact with because of the difference in the social condition is known as Cultural Dissonance. Such changes are all the more frequently unexplained, sudden, or past comprehension because of the quantity of social elements. This experience can be chafing, charming, agonizing, and baffling all simultaneously. It is felt due to the distinction in qualities, practices, and perspective that is profound situated in the individuals related. Social discord can be experienced anyplace, when somebody is visiting a major city, or a provincial city, starting with one nation then onto the next nation, in a film corridor, the colleges, and so forth. In the article, my experience with respect to social Dissonance is shared (Daenekindt and Roose, 2014). I was exceptionally glad to get my meeting call letter from Queenslands greatest metal organization. Be that as it may, was not readied what I looked here. I was a Chinese, however my learning and way of life was all Australian. Finishing my investigations with a passing mark I began my quest for an occupation. The meeting went easily, and I found a new line of work. I was set with other experienced representatives, so I could take in the companys procedure from them. There were from Chinese beginning (Shilkofski and Shields, 2016). The vast majority of the staff was amicable out there and at break time individuals like to hang out together. But those Chinese individuals who want to be reserved from others, and stay in a solitary gathering. Following fourteen days of my persevering professional training, I encountered something that I might never want to feel again. One of the young ladies from the Chinese cause welcomed me for a supper with a couple of partners to realize me better. I likewise adored being a piece of the organization in recreation time (Bailey, 2012). Arriving at the supper goal things worked out in a good way for few moments and afterward, the catastrophe struck. One of them asked me from where I originated from China. I was absolutely caught off guard for such sort of inquiries as I never been to China. Also, I truly dont know a great deal about China as my childhood was essentially Australian. I revealed to them that I am a greater amount of an Australian instead of a Chinese and I have entirely been to China. So they asked me what culture I follow at my home. I addressed that we celebrate both Australian and Chinese culture. Because of my answer as though the whole sparkle from their appearances left. They truly quit talking in English and began talking in the Chinese language that is Mandarin (Flaskerud, 2007). Not knowing the language I mentioned them to please turn on to English as I am not ready to get them. In any case, the appropriate response was a straight NO as indicated by them I am not the piece of their locale, and I have deceived my root by not learning the way of life and language of China. I truly felt disappointed and rankling. How my way of life influences my aptitudes at work? The state of affairs going was bad. It resembled they were reprimanding me for being Chinese yet not following the way of life of China. I was stunned to discover that in the 21st century additionally we have such foolhardy and biased individuals, who like to separate between individuals by their source. This is absolutely prejudice which I was looking by the social distinction (Lahire, 2008). My first idea was to get up from that point and leave as these individuals were not worth of my time and consideration. Be that as it may, I not being a provider; I chose to train them how wrong they are in what they are getting along. I remained back took out my advanced cell and downloaded an application that helps in making an interpretation of the considerable number of dialects into ones local language. I compose my contemplations into the application, and it gave me the interpretation (Hanquinet, 2016). I began talking broken Chinese to my associates and disclosed to them how wrong they all are and how seriously they carried on with me. I revealed to them that it is acceptable that they like to seek after their local culture however disappointing others culture isn't acceptable in any way. In the event that they truly need to empower their local culture, at that point rather demoralizing me by not conversing with me and talking in a language which I dont comprehend, they should attempt to give a delightful image of the cause they are originating from. Along these lines they will have the option to build my advantage additionally in the Chinese inception from where my precursors are coming. What they were doing was really making their root look terrible to me. On the off chance that this is how individuals are treated in this culture, at that point, I was appreciative for not being a piece of it (Korotayev, Issaev and Zinkina, 2015). I dont realize it was my endeavor on broken Chinese or my words that they really began tuning in to what I was stating. My words may have left a decent effect on them since they all out of nowhere felt hopeless for their doings. One of them who welcomed me got up and said sorry from everyones side. She said that they all never acknowledged what sort of conduct they are introducing to me, and how awful it will make their way of life look. Furthermore, indeed, this was said to me in English. I pardoned every one of them and the night after that went uneventful. In any case, from this experience I took in an exercise that it doesnt matter what amount taught and polite you are, individuals with biased idea and who accepts that culture is the main thing that is significant will come in your manner to progress. Be that as it may, ought not run from this sort of experience yet reveal to them how mixed up they are (Hong and Song, 2014). This is genuine that it is the obligation of an individual to build up its beginning and give it to it group of people yet to come with the goal that the way of life of the inception can be kept up. However, disregarding the individuals originating from different starting points, and corrupting individuals the individuals who are of a similar inception yet follow different beginnings culture don't make a cause a superior one. In the event that one truly needs to value its own way of life, at that point one needs to show its positive side and the lovely things that culture keeps up. This is going assistance in building up that culture surprisingly. Confronting social disharmony is really one of the most exceedingly awful things an individual can understanding (Hanquinet, 2016). References Bailey, E. (2012). From Cultural Dissonance to Diasporic Affinity: The Experience of Jamaican Teachers in New York City Schools.Urban Rev, 45(2), pp.232-249. Daenekindt, S. furthermore, Roose, H. (2014). Social versatility and social dissonance.Poetics, 42, pp.82-97. Flaskerud, J. (2007). Social Dissonance: Therapist and Client.Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 28(9), pp.1081-1083. Hanquinet, L. (2016). Investigating Dissonance and Omnivorousness: Another Look into the Rise of Eclecticism.Cultural Sociology. Hong, Y. furthermore, Song, H. (2014). Study on Cognitive Dissonance of Passive Safety Investment Based on Cultural Psychology.AMM, 623, pp.323-333. Korotayev, An., Issaev, L. furthermore, Zinkina, J. (2015). Focus Periphery Dissonance as a Possible Factor of the Revolutionary Wave of 2013-2014: A Cross-National Analysis.Cross-Cultural Research, 49(5), pp.461-488. Lahire, B. (2008). The individual and the blending of sorts: Cultural discord and self-distinction.Poetics, 36(2-3), pp.166-188. Shilkofski, N. also, Shields, R. (2016). Adjusting to a US Medical Curriculum in Malaysia: A Qualitative Study on Cultural Dissonance in International Education.Cureus.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How The Meaning Of Democracy And Globalization Differs In Deferent Essay
Globalization is making universal exchange all the more simple and available. Business activities cut across transnational outskirts in contemporary occasions, more than previously. Moreover, there are expanding quantities of players in the global exchange and arrangement exchanges than any time in recent memory. The neo-radicals sees in worldwide exchange has consistently bolstered a globalize and open market request in which each nation is required to open up its market and assimilate the way of life of organized commerce, free economy section and exit of work and the opening of the state economy to the universal market for dynamic rivalry. The appropriation of open markets have brought about the political reactions regarding change in the political structure, that is up to this point displayed and the manner in which government intercede in her country’s economy. This change has brought about the selection of the neo-liberal stand. Indeed, the socialist states are presently steadily opening up to the exchange zone to worldwide exchanges. â€Å"Globalization can be quickly characterized as, the escalation of monetary, political, social, and social relations across borders†(Holm and Sorensen, 1995:4). As indicated by Yeung (2002), from a monetary viewpoint the term globalization is characterized as â€Å"the fast expansion of cross-fringe creation, exchange, and venture exercises led by worldwide enterprises and universal budgetary foundations that encourage the rise of an inexorably incorporated and related worldwide economy†. In this manner, globalization is a change of the world request to get familiar with the progressions of time and the example of the world request. Vote based system is viewed as an arrangement of government where the administration is responsible to the individuals, and power of the state lies with the individuals. Social contrasts regarding the practices and method of living of individuals causes them to adjust to various conceptualization and practice of reasoning related with majority rule government and globalization. Decent variety IN CONCEPTUALIZING DEMOCRACY AND GLOBALIZATION IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES Williams (1983) attempt to catch in his book the contrasts between in explained understanding and the general end came to with respect to popular government and globalization. This as per him has lead to the incognito dissatisfactions in the inability to figure that pressure uniquely. People’s involvement with real life at some point varies from the standards hidden just practices and the additions and torments credited to globalization in the 21st century. Williams work distracts with the associations between human belief system and cultural culture. The social distinction among nations and political and financial settings will in general present various real factors relating to vote based system and globalization. For example, in immature African nations vote based system in the genuine sense which has to do with government by the individuals and where full open responsibility is underscored is a long ways from the real factors. African pioneers are degenerate and will in general encroach on people’s human rights. There is poor open responsibility, in the midst of significant level of defilement. The understanding providing for majority rules system in the propelled western world regards the privileges of the individuals and open responsibility is stressed. Power should lie with the individuals as indicated by vote based guideline, yet in African nations that training popularity based standard, the pioneers consider themselves to be overseer of sway, as it is seen in a monarchical principle. The African culture grasps a fatalistic point of view to life, while the western culture will in general make progress toward change. This fatalistic way of life as made globalization not very valuable to immature African nations, as they depend on essential merchandise creation, which are horribly under estimated in the worldwide exchange level. Williams subsequently, perceived the significance of taking individual and social conditions into thought as this achieve the distinctions in understanding to essential issues of life, similar to vote based system, human expressions, industry, class and culture. The job of creating nations in globalizing the world is one in which they assume huge job. Most crude materials used in both propelled economy and in handling into finish, items are sourced from creating nations from Africa, Asian, and Latin America. At the result of the Uruguay Round Agreements (URA) the job of creating nations in worldwide economy has expanded essentially. Moreover, the job of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is outfitting exchange arrangements inside creating nations. As indicated by Michalopoulos (1999), â€Å"The reconciliation of the forming nations into the multilateral exchanging framework has been particularly great for a gathering of maybe 15-20 center and higher salary creating nations in Latin America and Asia†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The expanding critical of creating nations in accelerating the worldwide improvement credits on them certain obligations that is relied upon for them to play. This comes in method of setting up a smooth fare exchange zone for its crude materials and free development of work in and out their national limits. Some creating nations in accepting this accountability has framed fare organization among them to empower the smooth fare exchange crude materials. â€Å"†¦exports have risen b y more than 10 for each annum in volume since 1970†¦ the created nations joined total national output (GDP); toward the start of the 1990s†¦accounted for 1. 8 percent of GDP, while the figure in 1999 was 3. 2 for each cent†(Akyuz, et al 2001). Creating nations has created arrangements in their fares, which is described by inconvenience of control and assessments on fare of essential items and groceries, and furthermore they will in general give motivations and endowments to their fares makers (Michalopoulos 1999). In this manner, the need to make an exchange free zone and simple section of essential items to global zone where they would be changed over into completed item is one duty creating nations need to do. Besides, the creating nations assume the noteworthy job in the flexibly of work, in the creation procedure, given their huge populace. Creating nations have enormous work markets, along these lines the flexibly of this to the worldwide work showcase goes far in adding to worldwide turn of events. Subsequently improving of work abilities in creating nations is a way the value of work in this piece of the world would contribute fundamentally in region of worldwide turn of events. In this view, Akyuz, et al (2001), has it that â€Å"improvement in labor economic situations will likewise require a reorientation of advancement strategies at the national and worldwide levels, especially regarding the speed and example of joining of forming nations into the worldwide economy†. The job underdeveloped nations play in globalization is legitimately associated with how their social foundation and understanding to the marvel is associated with their occupation and lifestyle. For example, nations in Africa, it has 70 percent of its workforce in worker cultivating. In this way, the landmass economy is agrarian and in this way, its association in globalization is in the creation of essential item. Then again, advance western nations like U. S. what's more, EU states, including advance Asian nations like Japan, China, produce finish items like cars, gadgets and so on. While the western world would consider globalization as an extended spot for exchanging, with the less boundary to exchange, the immature nations something imagine this as a proceed with misuse of the westerners and the reliance on their items. End Democracy has in contemporary occasions being generally recognized universally in the political domain and in work place. Laborers interest are asking for more support as an approach to grasp majority rule government. Also, this globalization wonder has made composed private enterprise to travel from corporate free enterprise to restraining infrastructure free enterprise not it is in its client free enterprise. Be that as it may, popular government is diverse deciphered by nations in accordance with their social setting. While the development political states looks for more regard for human rights and open responsibility, the immature state in their early majority rules system are attempting to battle gigantic degree of defilement and administration mistreatment as it is being notice in Zimbabwe where Mugabe is impeding any move of resistances. What's more, the conceptualization of globalization by various nations relies upon the less than desirable end they wind up in the worldwide exchange. While those nations essentially occupied with the creation of essential items, for example, crude materials weep for ominous term of exchange, the progressed monetary nations consider globalization to be an example for empowering unhindered commerce and augmenting financial riches. REFERENCES Akyuz, Yilmaz, et al (2001), â€Å"Globalization, Inequality and the Labor Market†http://www. flassbeck. de/pdf/GLOBALIZ. PDF. (02/12/07)Michalopoulos, Constantine (1999), â€Å"Trade Policy showcase Access Issues for Developing Countries: Implications for the Millennium Round†http://wbln0018. worldbank. organization/investigate/workpapers. nsf/bd04ac9da150d30385256815005076ce/a70066326b8be18c85256818005b9fb6/$FILE/wps2214. pdf. (2/12/07) Williams, Raymond (1983) Culture And Society: 1780-1950, Columbia University Press. Yeung, Henry W. (2002), â€Å"The Limits to Globalization Theory: A Geographic Perspective on Global Economic Change†Economic Geography, Volume 78, Number 3, July http://www. europe. canterbury. air conditioning. nz/courses/euro223/yeong. pdf. (02/12/07)
Monday, August 10, 2020
My Map of Audiobooks and Walks
My Map of Audiobooks and Walks Since I started listening three years ago, audiobooks have become one of my absolute favorite ways to read. But theyve also changed my reading habits and improved my life in ways that I never expected. One of the coolest things Ive noticed recently is that, over the past three years, Ive built up an audiobook mapâ€"memories of the books Ive listened to overlaid with where I listened to them. I live on a small island with my dog, and I often listen to books while Im walking her. I also garden for a living, which means I spent most of my days alone, tending to vegetables and flowers. Gardening and walking are both perfect activities for listening to books, and so, especially in the summer, I spend a lot of time reading while traipsing around the island. Because I visit the same gardens every week, and because I often go on the same walks over and over again, those places are now layered with my memories of books. Theres a beautiful walk I often take that winds through the woods, along a pond, and through open scrub down to the beach. Every time I walk there I remember the windy afternoon I walked through the brown February grass, listening to Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson. I can even remember the specific chapter I was reading on that walk, a harrowing account of Stevensons work with children on death row. On top of that memory is my memory of listening to Austin Channing Browns fantastic essay collection about faith, race and gender: Im Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness. Channings clear and heartfelt narration of those powerful essays is now a part of that landscape. Theres another walk I often take, one that winds through a pine grove out on the moors. One fall afternoon, my dog had run off chasing a rabbit through the brush, and I stopped under a massive pine tree, waiting for her to come back, listening to the end of The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater. It was the second time Id listened to that book, and I finished it in that pine grove before my dog came bounding back. Now, whenever I walk there, I always hear the echoes of that book, and remember how full and sad I felt when I finished it. The gardens I work in are similarly layered with memories of books. When I walk into a garden, the last book I listened to while working there is often the first thing I think about. One of my favorite gardens is tucked away behind a line of tupelo trees, and every time Im there, I remember the eerie and beautiful descriptions of a future sunken Bangkok in Bangkok Wakes to Rain by Pitchaya Sudbanthad. That garden also always reminds me of fresh herbs and frying onions, because its where I listened to With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedoâ€"specifically the part where the main character goes on a weeklong trip to Spain with her culinary arts class. In another garden, I once spent a rainy afternoon mulching a bed of blueberries while listening to the emotional ending of Ill Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson, and now I think of that book and those beautifully flawed characters every time I walk past those blueberries. Sometimes my memories of books and places even interact with each other. I listened to I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver in the same garden where I listened to Sapiens by Noah Yuval Harari. I Wish You All the Best is a YA novel I adored about a nonbinary teenager figuring out who they are, coming out, and falling in love. The chapter of Sapiens I listened to in that garden was a deeply frustrating exploration of the role of gender in human culturesâ€"an exploration that completely ignored the existence of transgender people. Both of those booksâ€"one I loved and one that I found alienating and transphobicâ€"are now caught up in that particular garden. I could go on forever, overlaying my reading life on top of the actual physical places where I spend my days. Theres something comforting and grounding about the way these memories pop up. Its a concrete reminder of how deeply audiobooks are woven into my life. Its also an illustration of how listening to audiobooks while walking and gardening cements books in my brain in ways I never expected. I associate books with places, and thus, Im reminded of those books when Im in those places. I remember details about books that Im sure I would have otherwise forgotten, because Im not just remembering the book, but also the way the light filtered through the pine branches, or the smell of tomatoes on my hands. Discovering new ways to experience books is one of my favorite things about reading. I had no idea, when I listened to my first audiobook, that I was starting the beginning of a whole new map. Listening to audiobooks hasnt only changed the way I read, but also the way I relate to my landscape. Its a practice that deepens both my sense of where I am, and my understanding and memory of books. What a gift. Sign up for Audiobooks to receive the latest from the audiobooks world. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Definition of Alliterative Verse - 1157 Words
Definition of Alliterative Verse Old English literature encompasses writings in Anglo-Saxon England during its conversion to Christianity in the 7th century up until the Norman Conquest in 1066. The roots of Anglo-Saxon poetry were based on Germanic tradition that was mainly in the form of alliterative verse (Greenblatt). When comparing to other forms of poetry, there are 6 key characteristics that define alliterative verse: four-beat lines, medial caesuras, enjambments, half-line alliteration, kennings and litotes. In addition to Beowulf and â€Å"Caedmon’s Hymn†, examples will also be taken from my alliterative verse translation of the nursery rhyme â€Å"Little Jack Horner†. Jack the Horner By Student Jack the Horner, not gigantic was he.†¦show more content†¦If there are two pairs of different alliterative sounds, each pair does not have to be in the same half-line. For example in line 5 from Beowulf, â€Å"a wrecker of mead-benches, rampaging among foes†there is repetition of both r and m-sounds. In the first line of â€Å"Caedmon’s Hymn†, â€Å"Sing prayers, and sound praises of†(1), half-line alliteration is seen in the s and p-sounds. There are not pairs of half-line alliteration in Jack the Horner. However, in the last line there are three alliterative stress syllables that are linked by the p-sound, â€Å"Gleefully pulling a purple plum†. A kenning is a metaphoric, two-term or â€Å"compound expression used in place of a name or noun†(â€Å"kenning†). In Beowulf, the term â€Å"whale-road†in line 10 is a kenning for the ocean. In â€Å"Caedmon’s Hymn†, â€Å"Wonder-Father†also means God. In my poem, â€Å"Santa’s big day†is meant to be a kenning for Christmas. A litote is an â€Å"understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite†(â€Å"litote†). In Beowulf one of many litotes is seen lines 43-44, â€Å"they decked his body no less bountifully†, where â€Å"no less†just means more, so that his body was actually more bountifully decked (Heaney) In the first line of my alliterative verse poem, I used a litote. â€Å"Jack the Horner, not gigantic was he.†â€Å"Not gigantic†is the litote in that it describes Jack as little. Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse is defined by its structuring of stressShow MoreRelatedCritical Essay on How Do I Love Thee?3017 Words  | 13 Pagespassion and commitment, it is an emotional and physical feeling which takes over your whole state of mind and how you feel. There are many definitions and views of love, and the Merriam-Webster dictionary has ten definitions for love in it but it seems as though it doesn’t have any good definitions of love. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Report on Portfolio Management for Investors - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2518 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? When investing in some securities, investors are expecting to receive returns, which will compensate the risks taken. Usually, investors form a portfolio, which involves a number of securities, and expect them to generate returns. However, by buying, for example, stocks of leading companies in flourishing industries is not a guarantee of high returns and the effectiveness of the portfolio. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Report on Portfolio Management for Investors" essay for you Create order That is why investors should choose and apply the appropriate strategy of portfolio management. Today, there are two strategies, which can be implemented for effective portfolio management: the traditional approach based on a balance of the portfolio, its diversification (selecting of papers of well-known companies from different industries, which have a sufficient level of liquidity), and modern portfolio theory approach (constructing portfolios basing on the calculation of the correlation of investment instruments returns: negatively correlated investment may compensate for the failure of one instrument by increasing the profitability of others, while the maximum effect of diversification is achieved by combining a portfolio of negatively correlated investments). All investors, no matter how wealthy he/she is, aim to reach the specific goals, such as safety of the investments, their profitability/returns, and capital growth. The most reliable and secure securities are governm ent securities, which virtually eliminates the risk of the investor. More profitable securities are these of traded firms, but they have a high degree of risk. The most risky investments are stocks of young high-tech companies, but they may be most beneficial in terms of capital gains. Construction of the Portfolio As the major goal of portfolio is its diversification, only the right and wise portfolio structure can provide such diversification. So, constructing the portfolios structure is the essential step in portfolio management. If constructed well, the portfolio can bring significant returns. While being constructed poorly, it can lead to huge losses. The more aggressive an investment portfolio is, the higher the level of risk is and correspondingly higher possible returns are. Thus, the profitability of any investment is a kind of prize for that risk, which the investor takes. Due to the clients requirements of constructing the risky portfolio, the following promising industries have been analyzed: Consumer Goods, Basic materials, Technology, and Healthcare. The choice of industries is based on their influence on peoples lives and economy development. In these particular industries, the following sectors have been identified for further companies selection: services, biotechnology , sporting goods, gold, and communication equipment. According to Bodie (2009), when the economy on its contraction stage, it is advised to choose technology, financials, utilities, consumer durables, and health care sectors; when the economy on its expansion, it is advised to invest in materials, industrial, and energy (p.383). So, taking into account these recommendations, the sectors listed above have been chosen as targeted ones for investments. Asset Allocation Asset allocation is the essential part of the portfolio construction. There are two approaches of asset allocation: bottom-up and top-down. This particular portfolio was constructed using the top-down approach. Thus, the very first decision to be made is to choose between major asset classes, such as money market, bond market, and equity market. , in this case equity market is the most preferable class for allocation of assets. As far as the client is a wealthy person and aims to receive high returns by investing in high risk portfolio, the target securities to invest in are stocks. After deciding on assets class, it is necessary to identify the potential companies, in whose stocks investment will most likely be made. Stocks Selection After the targeted asset class has been identified, the following step is stocks selection. As far as the wealthy investor is interested in earning a high rate of return and is willing to take on substantial risk, therefore, high risk securities. Basing on this requirement and by analyzing historical prices performance for the past two years, ratios in comparison with industry and SP 500, and also taking into account analysts rating, and coefficients of correlation, the portfolio with following companies has been constructed: Aviat Networks, Inc. (AVNW), Codexis, Inc. (CDXS), Claude Resources, Inc. (CGR), DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. (DWA), and Johnson Outdoors Inc. (JOUT). These companies are not listed in the SP 500 market index. According to analysis of past prices performance (Appendix 4), all stocks, except DWA, have been performing well with the increasing trend, while DWA experienced a decrease in stock price. During the two-year period, DWA reached its min. price of $27 .08 and max. price of $44; CDXSs min. price was $7.11 and max. price was $14.45; JOUTs min. price was $8.96 and max. price was $15.22; CGRs min. price was $0.92 and max. price was $2.3; AVNWs minimum price was $3.46 and maximum price was $7.87. Analysts stocks ratings also were taken into account in order to evaluate and forecast the future stocks performance. According to Zacks Investment Research (2011), DreamWorks Animation Skg Incorporated, a mid-cap growth company in the consumer services sector, is expected to significantly outperform the market over the next six months with average risk; Claude Resources Inc., a micro-cap growth company in the basic industries sector, is expected to underperform the market over the next six months with very high risk; Johnson Outdoors Inc., a small-cap value company in the consumer services sector, is expected to match the market over the next six months with above average risk. The major condition for creation a well-diversified portfo lio is choosing negatively correlated stocks. For revealing stocks, which will provide portfolio diversification, the correlation analysis was conducted. The results of this analysis are presented in the Appendix 2. According to this matrix, DWA is negatively correlated with both JOUT (-0.42) and CGR (-0.36). JOUT is also negatively correlated with AVNW (-0.42) and CGR is negatively correlated with AVNW (-0.16). The negative correlation means that a failure of one investment will be compensated by a rise of another. Correlation analysis has also revealed that coefficient of correlation of DWA and AVNW is 0.86, meaning that if DWA stock price rises, AVNW stock goes down, and vice versa. Regarding the results of analyses described above, the portfolio was structured the following way: AVNW 19%, CDXS 2.23%, CGR 9%, DWA 12.19%, JOUT 58.26%. Companies Overview Aviat Networks, Inc. [1] is a leader in wireless transmission solutions. The company applies innovation and IP networking expertise toward building a carrier class foundation for future mobile and fixed broadband networks. With more than 750,000 systems installed around the world, Aviat Networks has built a reputation as a leader in offering best-of-breed solutions including LTE-ready microwave backhaul and a complete portfolio of service and support options to public and private telecommunications operators worldwide. With a global reach and local presence in more than 46 countries, Aviat Networks works by the side of its customers allowing them quickly and cost effectively seize new market and service opportunities. Aviat Networks listed on NASDAQ (AVNW). Codexis, Inc. [2] develops industrial biocatalysts, enzymes, and microbes for energy, pharmaceutical, and environmental industries. The company focuses on conversion of renewable resources into transportation fuel s and pharmaceuticals. It offers development of technologies for air and water treatment and chemical manufacturing. The companys products include biocatalyst panels, custom biocatalysts, enzymes, active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates, and human cytochrome biocatalysts. Codexis is listed on NASDAQ (CDXS). Claude Resources, Inc. [3] acquires, explores, and develops precious metal properties, as well as produces and markets minerals in Canada. The company principally focuses on gold. Its primary mineral properties are located in northern Saskatchewan and northwestern Ontario. The company owns the Seabee Mine, a producing gold mine located at Laonil Lake, Saskatchewan; and Madsen properties located in the Red Lake Mining District of northwestern Ontario. It also holds interests in a portfolio of exploration properties that are located in the provinces of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. Claude Resources is listed on NYSE (CGR). DreamWorks Animation SKG, In c. [4] engages in the development, production, and exploitation of animated feature films and characters worldwide. It provides animated feature films and characters for the theatrical, home entertainment, television, and merchandising and licensing markets. The company has strategic alliances with McDonalds, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, and Samsung. DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc. is listed on NASDAQ (DWA). Johnson Outdoors, Inc. [5] , together with its subsidiaries, engages in the design, manufacture, and marketing of outdoor recreation products worldwide. Its Marine Electronics segment provides battery-powered fishing motors for trolling or primary propulsion; sonar and GPS equipment for navigation; downriggers for controlled-depth fishing; and marine autopilot systems for large boats. It offers its products through outdoor specialty retailers, retail store chains, marine distributors, international distributors, and original equipment manufacturers. PORTFOLIO EVALUATION For proper portfolio evaluation, it has been monitored during a three-week period. For its assessment such tools as CBOE and RiskGrades were applied. CBOE.com provided a possibility of virtual trading and monitoring the portfolio performance during three weeks from January 31, 2011 to February 18, 2011. Also, with the help of CBOE.com it was possible to buy/sell the chosen stocks and watch how the portfolio could have changed. Another tool, RiskGrades, provided evaluation of risks associated with stocks and portfolio itself. It also helped to make Risk vs. Return analysis, Sector analysis and Risk ranking. Portfolio Performance As mentioned above, the portfolio has been monitored for three weeks. On the January 30, 2011 the following stocks were bought at amount and a price respectively: 20 shares of AVNW, $5.09 per share 5 shares of CDXS, $9.18 per share 85 shares of CGR, $1.98 per share 5 shares of DWA, $28.4 per share 90 shares of JOUT, $15.19 per share As it was an experimental portfolio, such insignificant amount of shares was purchased. The initial portfolio value totaled $1,896.00. During the three-week period the stocks were performing comparatively well and positive; the average change in AVNW price was 0.46%, CDXS 0.12%, CGR 0.13%, DWA 0.44%, JOUT 0.28%. Along with positive average changes in stock prices, the SP-500 market index changed by 0.31%. On February 7, 2011, I have sold 20 shares of CGR @ $2.58 and 70 shares of JOUT @ $15.59 due to constant down falling behavior; moreover, selling of these stocks could help improve portfolio performance and minimize losses. Aft er selling these stocks, the portfolio value also decreased, amounted to $758. From the sales proceeds, I have purchased 80 shares of JOUT @ $15.66 and sold another 10 shares of CGR @ $2.58. As a result of these transactions, the ending value of portfolio was $1,979. Therefore, during three-week period the portfolio gained $68. Risk and Return Analysis Risk and return are the major issues, which the investor is always mainly concerned about. For risk and return evaluation the Risk Grades tool was applied. So, according to RiskGrades.com, the riskiest stock in the portfolio is the stock of Claude Resources, Inc. (CGR), it has a risk rank of 64%, which means that 36% of the tickers in U.S. markets are riskier than CGR (RiskRanking, n.d.). The next, less risky stock is that of Aviat Networks, Inc. (AVNW) having risk rank of 55%. The stocks of DWA, JOUT and CDXS have the risk rank of 30%, 37% and 47% respectively. The portfolio has the total risk rank of 29%, which implies that 71% of the stocks in SP-500 are riskier than the portfolio. According to RiskGrades, the portfolio is 1.81 times as volatile as the SP SP 500 Index. Basing on Return Analysis, the average expected return of the portfolio is 47%. In the short-term perspective, JOUT will generate the highest return in the portfolio (24%), and the lowest return will be that o f DWA (-11%). In the long-term perspective, CDXS will not generate any return, whereas the CGR will generate the highest return (136.6%). But DWA will continue to generate negative return (-39.5%). All in all, the average return in the long-term perspective is going to be 24.38%. Sector Analysis Sector Analysis focuses on how much value movement of the portfolio is explained through average value movement of each sector in your market. Portfolios weights are compared to risk contribution in each sector against markets benchmark index (Sector Analysis, n.d.). So, taking the Risk Grades as a basis for this analysis, it can be concluded that: Financials is the most overweight sector compared to the benchmark. Health Care is the most underweight sector compared to the benchmark. Materials is the most overexposed sector to risk compared to the benchmark. Industrials is the most underexposed sector to risk compared to the benchmark. According to Sector Analysis, the portfolio specific risk (86.4%) is twice as higher than the specific risk of SP-500 (43.5%). Although, the investor wants to invest in high risk portfolio, the fact that the portfolio specific risk is higher than that of SP-500 can be omitted. However, the diversification benefit of 14.5% can minimize the specific risk of the portfolio. RECOMMENDATIONS The primary purpose of this report was to research, analyze the market and construct the portfolio for a high net-worth client, who aims to invest in a high risky portfolio. After conducting the research of literature, industries and sectors, colleting historical prices of some stocks, and making careful financial analysis of key ratios and correlation analysis, and also after monitoring the trial portfolio for three weeks, the following conclusions and recommendations can be made. First of all, the chosen industries and companies are performing quite well for this time and are at high demand. Although, stocks of Codexis, Inc. have been underperforming, and causing significant losses. Also DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc. stocks have not been generating positive returns; moreover, its return will continue to decrease in the long-term perspective. So, in case the investor will keep the current trial portfolio, I would advise to replace the stocks of DWA and CDXS with other stocks. Des pite the fact the CGR stocks the riskiest ones in the portfolio; they will bring the highest return to the investor. So, it is advised to keep them. In addition, it is advised to include such stocks as JOUT and CGR in the new future portfolio, as these stocks have been performing well and are most likely to generate high returns in the long-term perspective, moreover these companies stocks have the high risk rank. But, by including the AVNW stocks in the new portfolio, which are negatively correlated to both JOUT and CGR, an investor will compensate potential losses. REFERENCES Bodie, Kane, Marcus. (2009). Essentials of investments (8th ed.). McGraw Hill Primis. CBOE trading system. (2011). Retrieved from https://www.cboe.com/ MSN Money. (2011). Key Ratios. Retrieved March 20, 2011 from https://investing.money.msn.com/investments/ Morningstar. (2011). Financials. Retrieved March 20, 2011 from https://financials.morningstar.com/ratios/r.html?t=AVNW Risk grade system. (2011). Retrieved from https://riskgrades.com/ APPENDIX 1 Company Ticker Sector DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. DWA Services Codexis Inc. CDXS Biotechnology Johnson Outdoors Inc. JOUT Sporting goods Claude Resources, Inc. CGR Gold Aviat Networks, Inc. AVNW Communication Equipment APPENDIX 2 DWA CDXS JOUT CGR AVNW DWA 1 0.65 -0.42 -0.36 0.86 CDXS Â 1 0.34 0.15 0.66 JOUT Â Â 1 0.46 -0.42 CGR Â Â Â 1 -0.16 AVNW Â Â Â Â 1 APPENDIX 3 Ratio Company Industry SP 500 DWA P/E Ratio 13.3 13.7 20.3 Price/Book Value 1.76 11.59 3.59 Leverage Ratio 1.4 2.1 2.3 Current Ratio 2.63 1 1.4 ROE 14.2 -62.6 22.4 ROA 10.8 -26.6 8 CDXS P/E Ratio NA 14 20.3 Price/Book Value 3.56 5.64 3.59 Leverage Ratio 1.32 1.7 2.3 Current Ratio 3.35 4 1.4 ROE -12.01% 1.7 22.4 ROA -3.71% -2.38 8 CGR P/E Ratio 231 40.4 20.3 Price/Book Value 2.73 3.31 3.59 Leverage Ratio 2 1.5 2.3 Current Ratio 2.3 5.2 1.4 ROE 1.6 3.2 22.4 ROA 0.7 -22.8 8 JOUT P/E Ratio 15.4 13.7 20.3 Price/Book Value 1.2 2.88 3.59 Leverage Ratio 2 2 2.3 Current Ratio 2 2.6 1.4 ROE 8 15.9 22.4 ROA 4 8.3 8 AVNW P/E Ratio NA 26.3 20.3 Price/Book Value 1.36 3.12 3.59 Leverage Ratio 2 2.7 2.3 Current Ratio 1.88 2.6 1.4 ROE -48.9 13.4 22.4 ROA -29.2 6.3 8 APPENDIX 4
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Saving Private Ryan Free Essays
It was an inspiration that the private Ryan should be sent safely to his home. The part in which the General read the Letter to Mrs. Bixby, written by Abraham Lincoln to sympathize the mother of five sons believed to have been killed in the American Civil War it is the film back to Rodat’s Civil War inspiration. We will write a custom essay sample on Saving Private Ryan or any similar topic only for you Order Now Spielberg in this film has innovated a style of direction. The director has made enormous efforts to make the movie seem real to the viewers. For this purpose, a ‘first person’ camera has been used and the cameras have not been installed right through the large scene, to show the actions, because due to first person camera, the viewer can eye witness the whole environment presented by the director. And as a result, throughout the movie; the consequence on the viewer is a feeling of actually being â€Å"present†during the scenes the scenes as intense as the assault on the beachhead and during the other action sequences. The viewer mind does not feel like a spectator, but rather as an interactive part of a moment in time. To give the real impact; underwater cameras were also used. Through these cameras fighting scenes under the water were clearly available to the viewers to witness, they could even see bullets striking the soldiers under the water. A huge amount of fake blood was used to make the viewer feel the scene real. By these efforts of the director the viewer gets actually involved and feels the dreadful environment of the war. In the beginning of the movie Tom Hanks who played the role of Captain John Miller leaded the company on the D-Day in the fight for Omaha beach. And now he is being sent on a risky mission in which he has to rescue a soldier. When the World War II was on going, the news is given to Chief of Staff, General Marshall that during the war, three brothers of the same family have died. The three brothers have died in action. And three letters were sent to their mother having the news of the death of her three sons on the same day, and their mother, Mrs. Ryan, could not bear this as it was very painful to her. And then he learns that a fourth son is also a soldier and he might be alive, the General plans to send a unit to find him and bring him back, in spite of being told that it’s highly doubtful that he is still alive and the area that he was known to be at is very risky. As it was still a great chance that could alleviate the grief of Mrs. Ryan; the army did not miss the opportunity when they learnt that there is a fourth brother whose name was Private James Ryan. So it was decided to send the squad to locate him so that he can go back to his mother. So the unit consisting of 8 men is sent to find him but as affirmed it’s very unsafe and one by one, each of them dies. It was a risky mission and the lives of soldiers were in danger. Captain Miller has the task to find Private James Ryan. On the way to Ramelle, Miller makes a decision to take the chance to neutralize a small German machine gun position near to an abandoned radar station. In the resulting fight the squad’s medic, Wade (Ribisi) is gravely wounded. The last surviving German wraths the, squad members except Upham (Davies) because he used to be his friend. Miller decides to let the German walk away and capitulate himself to the next allied patrol. Reiben is no longer confident in the leadership of Miller and he declares his purpose to desert, brings about a tense disagreement with Horvath (Sizemore) that intimidates to split the squad apart until Miller finds a solution to the situation and reveals his origins, on which the squad had made a bet and after this Reiben decides to stay. The squad finally arrives to Ramelle where they demolish a German scouting unit with the help of some American paratroopers and one of them was Ryan. In Ramelle the unit gets regrouped. The American army defended the town and Ryan comes to know about the death of his brothers and the rescue mission. Ryan refuses to leave his makeshift unit, and demands that he want to help defend the bridge against a future German counter-attack. Miller unwillingly agrees and allowed Ryan to stay and orders his unit to help guard the bridge in the forthcoming battle. Miller takes command and sets up the defense with manpower and resources they have which were not very sufficient. Towed Flak 38 cannon and half-tracks were owned by the Germans. Thus they were well equipped. The defense operation was leaded by Captain Miller. Americans fought well and made the Germans face heavy casualties. But Germans have killed many Americans squad members. The American unit was devastated by Germans. The defenders had to leave the bridge because the German Tankers had made them suffer a lot . The bridge gets blown by the Americans but on the same time Captain Miller gets injured by the German. An American soldier destroyed the tank when it was about to reach the bridge. The American Army after this advanced even more and defeated the remaining German forces. But only few of American soldiers could survive which included: Ryan, Reiben and Upham. In the last moments of Miller; the last words which he uttered were this: â€Å"James†¦ earn this. Earn it. †(Spielberg 1998) Now the elderly man is being shown which was shown in the beginning of the movie as well. He is actually Ryan and he is at the grave of Miller. Ryan wanted to prove in front of Miller that he has spent his life as a good man. To get the confirmation he requests his wife to say that he has lived as a ‘good man’. And he has not let down Miller and the sacrifice he made for him. COMPARISON OF SAVING PRIVATE RYAN AND WAR BETWEEN GEORGIA AND RUSSIA: The war between Georgia and Russia can be compared to this movie in several ways; in fact all the wars can be compared to each other, as their consequences are always the same, each and every war results in bloodshed and loss of property and really precious lives. The attack of Georgia resembles Germany’s attack that began the World War II. The blood shed rate is high in this war also; it has also caused thousands of people and is the peril to world harmony. As both the nations are well equipped and do not hesitate in causing damages to the opponents. The 2008 war formally began on August 7, 2008 with a military attack by Georgia into one of two provinces, which had affirmed independence sixteen years ago in 1992. Russian quickly reacted with a large scale vengeance in the province and later invaded into Georgia proper. There are various comparisons between the ongoing war of Russia and Georgia with the movie Saving Private Ryan, some of which are discussed in details below: LOSS OF LIVES: So many people have lost there lives in both the depictions of war, i. . the Georgia and Russia war and the events of WWII that have been presented in the movie. Rivers of blood are flowing and everywhere in the environment cries can be heard, war is the second name of devastation. Blood and only blood can be seen all around. The reality of war is extremely brutal. WEAPONS USED: The means of attacking the opponents are almost the same in the movie and the Russia Georgia war. Massive firepower was used in both of them. Tanks attacked the militants as well as the civilians and also jets were used for the attacks. THE REASONS BEHIND THE ATTACK: The causes of both the wars were unknown initially; as both the attacks were made unilaterally, and then the suffering nations had to counter attack in their defense. In the Russia Georgia war, heavy bombardment started from Georgia’s side and in the movie the assault began from the side of Germany. CONCLUSION: This description of war and the portrayal of war which the movie â€Å"Saving Private Ryan†presents seem the same; by reading all these details we imagine blood and painful voices all around. Not only the militants but the civilians also equally suffer; just as the movie has presented the war; the actual war between Georgia and Russia is equally cruel. The war is always horrible, whether we see it in reality or through any other medium. The sketch this movie makes in the mind of the viewer is the actual representation of brutalities of war. Another comparison one can find between these two can be the loss of lives of the militants which so sincerely fight for the defense of the nation and yet meet very cruel deaths. War is nothing but an extreme threat to the people and our mother earth. How to cite Saving Private Ryan, Papers Saving Private Ryan Free Essays The ingenious film, directed by Steven Spielberg, ‘Saving Private Ryan’ is in my opinion the most realistic film to ever portray the D- Day landings. Many critics have even said it to be so vivid that the only element missing is the smell. In the Film’s first battle scene, lasting twenty- five minutes in total, it brings all reality into the living nightmare that took place so long ago. We will write a custom essay sample on Saving Private Ryan or any similar topic only for you Order Now Brought back into life by Spielberg, I will show how he creates excitement and tension in the most realistic of ways. I will discuss how he portrays the characters, his use of sound and last of all, his use of camera shots and how they contribute to the overall effect of the scene. Spielberg manifests an overall memorable opening scene and I will show just how. Released on the 24th July 1998, ‘Saving Private Ryan’ promised to break all blockbuster records and go straight to the top. Spielberg stunned the world with the film’s realism and authenticity, proving that his renowned reputation is not just hearsay, but fact. The plot is loosely inspired by the true story of the Niland brothers, where two of the four were killed and the third, presumed dead. The decision was made to retrieve the fourth, to prevent a national uproar and from a whole family from being wiped out due to War. The plot, proving exciting, brings much controversy over the mission to risk eight lives for the sake of one. The whole epic World War 11 drama cost approximately $65 million in total, most of which was spent on the graphic detail and effects in the first battle scene of the film. Although the twenty-five minute battle scene is complex cinematically and visually, the plot of the beach landings follows through reasonably simply. The scene starts off in focus of a small regiment of troops, quivering inside the hull of a boat, petrified by the sound of oncoming machine gun fire. The ramps fall down as a wheel spins round, pronouncing the ends to most of their lives. The boat opens out as many are shot dead instantly by the flurry of bullets thrust toward them. Few make it out a live before they have to plough through thousands of dead up the beach. As the battle scene cuts into view, the first character to be seen visually is Captain Miller. This immediately indicates that he is high up in rank and so, instantly gives him a commanding presence among the craft. The calmness of his voice even seems to sedate the tension in the atmosphere. However, the initial part of him to be seen is his pair of trembling hands. This conventionally is a sign of fear and to some, may show a weakness. Leaders are not usually associated with fear; stereotypically they are fearless. Spielberg has used this ironically, to show the realism within his character. All the soldiers fighting on that day were normal citizens fighting for pride and country. They all experienced fear. On D- day there were no fearless war heroes such as John Wayne and this is why Captain Miller, along with all the other troops, is shown in trepidation. As the shot moves outward, the whole of Captain Miller’s body is revealed. His appearance can be seen and again realism is reinforced. The person acting as Captain Miller, Tom Hanks does not have the stereotypical appearance of a War hero; he is small, placid and in lack of the muscle attributes usually associated with a clichid soldier. Through this casting Spielberg conveys a message. The men fighting on that day were normal. They weren’t all large men built of muscle, who could defy death and so, the person cast as Captain Miller isn’t either. Through this, the character of Captain Miller is made realer to the audience, thus making the film more accurate and historically correct. On the beach, after the regiment has landed, the Captain experiences a brief period where his emotions and conscience are thrown into turmoil. The horror of what is happening around him starts to sink in, as all terror results in a mental breakdown. The fact that he does not just march through the beach and that he is affected shows his compassion and empathy. It shows he is a caring human being; one who is gravely affected by the horrific things being done to his comrades. Through this period of collapse, Spielberg creates lots of tension, as the audience, who have gradually started to become attached to this realistic character, are willing him to snap out of it and gain his composure. They want him to get out of this situation and lead his troops up the beach. Another character that stands prominent in this scene is that of Sergeant Horvath. Spielberg has used Horvath’s character to contrast with Captain Miller, and this is seen even in the first few seconds of his dibut. Immediately as the audience set eyes upon his broad build, it can be seen that he is much more robust than the Captain and that he conforms more to the stereotypical image of a fictional war hero. I think that Spielberg has highlighted this point emphasise the normality and ordinary image of Captain Miller. He has done this to show that soldiers were all shapes and sizes. Through this contrast made, the realism of both characters is increased as they both can be recognised uniquely. Horvath and Miller again contrast in their methods of dealing with the trepidation and horror thrown at them. Whereas the Captain releases his petrified state through the constant trembling of his hands, Horvath allows his fear to disperse through chewing. Through Horvath’s different reaction, Spielberg defines his character more, making him more realistic as he deals with situations in a different way. As soldiers in real life all reacted uniquely depending on their personalities, Horvath does too. The audience then can identify better with him, likening him to people they know, thus recognising him as a real type of person, one who is unique. Although Captain Miller and Sergeant Horvath contrast in many ways, together they form a prevailing partnership. In every order relayed by the Captain, the Sergeant reinforces it, thus portraying his regard, proving that he has an immense admiration for the man. Horvath continuously stays close to the Captain, waiting for his command and looking out for him. Spielberg uses him as the Captains right arm. Everything about Horvath, from his bear like face, down to his cumbersome build, shout; protector! In view of this, the audience take a liking to him and confide comfort in the fact that Horvath will protect and bring their ‘everyman’ (the Captain) to safety. Spielberg uses the relationship between the two characters to excite the audience, as he shows that War is so out of the ordinary, that it brought together people in friendships who otherwise wouldn’t have done so. Captain Miller and Sergeant Horvath have such a strong relationship during this scene that excitement arouses among the audience, as they know that together the two will survive. Private Jackson, the regiment’s sniper is another character that has an essential role in the battle scene. His preliminary appearance is in the landing craft, immediately before the ramps descend. His face, being one of pure dread is an open book to the audience. He is so terrified that his expression and the first act that he commits, a kiss on a cross, show that he believes that there is no hope for survival left. It is as though he thinks that a kiss on the cross is the last action he is going to do and that if God is ever going to come to his aid, let it be now. I think that Spielberg has used this crucifix and his expression of misgiving, to draw compassion for the Private, but also to show how close death is to God. Immense suspense is created through the terror in Jackson’s eyes. Private Jackson is not focused upon much during the struggle to gain ground and progress up the beach, however is substantial in the climax of the Scene. In this section of the scene, there is a long pause where the camera focuses upon the concentration on Jackson’s face. He is speaking to God as he prepares to shoot and kill the Germans. During this moment of prayer, Jackson is in the action, yet alone and buried in responsibility. The long, seemingly calm pause is interspersed with other images of the dying, frantically praying to God in midst of all Chaos. Spielberg has used this range of images varied together, to prolong Jackson’s pause, generating tension as the audience anticipate the outcome. The different images are of various scenarios, where like Jackson they are praying to God in their time of need. Although the requirements of God are very different, this just shows that whatever situation that people are in, the natural instinct at the end of the day, is to call for a supernatural being, to come at their rescue. The element of spiritual confiding in this, show again just how close death is to God and this is clearly portrayed when Jackson say’s: â€Å"I am close to you Lord†. This is said moments before the Private shoots. He at this point is unsure of his survival and shows that he knows that he is incredibly close to dying. Spielberg lets the audience know this too and creates ample suspense through the pause. All tension that has been lingering is completely released when Private Jackson shoots and kills the remaining Germans. At this point the enemy onslaught has been destroyed and the American Soldiers are safe. Spielberg uses this point to release all of the excitement and tension that has been building up, transferring the audience into a relative calm. In the whole of the Battle scene, death is an element not escaped from. Spielberg has chosen to portray War how it really was, holding nothing back. In real life, death is not heroic; it is a tragedy that brings fear into the hearts of all men. It was not attractive, it was horrific and to keep it in line with realism. Spielberg too had to show it in this way. During the Scene, everywhere you turn, there is a person dying a painful death, with screams pronouncing the bodies awash with blood. Spielberg creates compassion among the audience, with empathy for the injured. However, he also arouses tension as the thought that maybe one of their favoured characters will be next, loiters in their minds. Spielberg has chosen to show death in such graphic detail, to keep nothing back from the audience. He wants to show it in a realistic way and I think wants to make it as authentic as possible. In other fictional War films, the Soldiers die heroically and for a patriotic reason. In reality, the Soldiers did not want to die and were scared out of their wits. Spielberg has portrayed it much truer to life and has steered away from these stereotypical films into reality, in order to keep the whole film’s authenticity as honest as possible. Unlike the Americans during the scene, the audience does not see the Germans’ faces. The camera shot restricts the view to distinguish only their backs, shoulders and arms from the rear. Spielberg has done this to dehumanise them, taking away the audiences empathy for their emotions. The eyes are said to be the ‘windows into your soul’ and by masking their faces the audience cannot see them and therefore can’t sympathise with their emotional state. The Germans were human and they too were going through the same trauma as the Americans. However, Spielberg wanted to get the audience biased toward the allies and so stopped the audience from having any compassion for the ‘enemy’. By doing this, Spielberg creates tension as the audience don’t want the Germans (whom they have no emotional attachment to) to kill the ‘much loved’ Americans. One machine gun post poses the greatest threat of all, mowing down life by life in every careless movement. The regiment of Soldiers, led by Captain Miller, work as a unified team to break past the barbed wire and screams of the dying. Taking cover, with the aid of their sniper, they kill they gunners and advance past the German bunker. All tension is then released; we know that for now that they are safe. Spielberg has used the characters in such a way, to reinforce the overall realism in the scene. By using one stereotypical character to represent the professional soldiers fighting on that day, he contrasts the rest of the characters to him, emphasising their statuses as average civilians. Through this contrast, realism is put into each of the characters as the realisation that these men were ordinary, comes into the minds of each spectator. Spielberg exploits the character’s thoughts and feelings, making the audience connect with them, thus producing tension at the uncertainty of their survival. Through these points made by Spielberg, as a teenage male, I can appreciate the fact that these soldiers were not much older than I and that they weren’t all war heroes, but young, petrified men. Sound is another resource greatly used by Spielberg. The ever-loud rapidity of war seems to up the pace of the scene constantly, heightening the adrenaline of the audience and bringing their physical emotional rate in parallel with the chaos on the screen. Spielberg produces immense excitement, as the audience cannot bear to look away. Every moment is unpredictable and so is the sound along with it and this is extremely exciting and tense for the spectator. The last and possibly the greatest used of all three techniques is that of camera work. Spielberg has used this element to create immense tension in the scene. He has done this most notably through a deception early on, by killing off characters that the audience have become attached to and so, simulating an emotion of loss. Through out the scene he has used a long lingering shots to contrast with the rapid staccato of battle, emphasising certain important pauses, thus also generating suspense. The shots of death throughout the scene are extremely moving and certainly cause every spectator to stop and think about the brave men who died on 6th June 1944. How to cite Saving Private Ryan, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Development Pattern and Marketing Strategy †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Development Pattern and Marketing Strategy. Answer: Introduction: In this paper I am looking forward to choose sales and marketing engineer as my profession to explore the marketing plans for the deployment of the online flower shop to deliver the flowers on the requirement of the customers at their door steps. The study should be conducted for gathering details of data related to diagnose the flaws in the previously developed online portal for flowers by reviewing the review of the customers posted on the portal and the analysis of the working culture of the flower shop in the locality management. The focus should be given on the promotion parameters which should be used for promoting the online shop of flowers to provide fresh flowers to the customers. The awareness program should be arranged by using the platform of Facebook, Instagram, What App, twitter, or linked in. The target audience should be measured before the designing of the portal Some of the research should be made in the field of target audience, marketing plans, promotional strategy, and working culture of the florist shop. The articles which are taken under consideration are Business plan flower shop in Helsinki, Marketing and the internet: A research review, Analysis on development pattern and marketing strategy of flower, and Feasibility study for community florist set up. References: Barwise, P. (2014). Marketing and the internet: A research review. Retrieved https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/67e4/6083a516fa6d565c6819b23183d1894cebbb.pdf Dung, T. (2013). Business plan management flower shop in Helsinki. Retrieved https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/115369/Business%20Plan.pdf?sequence=1isAllowed=y Jackson, P. (2013). Feasibility study for community florist set up. Retrieved https://www.committeeforgeelong.com.au/media/28582/final_version_bloom_2014.pdf Lei, M. (2016). Analysis on development pattern and marketing strategy of flower. Retrieved https://file.scirp.org/pdf/OJBM_2016011410134562.pdf
Monday, March 23, 2020
Are Viruses Alive free essay sample
Viruses can’t function on their own and depend on a host cell for their energy and reproduction. Viruses cannot reproduce unless they get inside a living host cell. Once a virus attaches itself to a host cell it dissolves a hole through the membrane and goes to the nucleus to force the host cell to replicate the virus. Viruses are parasites. Bacteria can function on their own, metabolizing and converting carbohydrates to energy. Bacteria reproduce by growing to twice its size and then splitting into two cells. Viruses are not classified and grouped into a level of biological organization like other life forms are. Bacteria are classified to have two levels of biological organization, Atoms and Molecules. 2. According to the article readings, website reviews and lecture notes we were asked to review: †¢ Name the characteristics of life viruses seem to lack as they differ from the lecture outline. Considering all characteristics of life described in the lecture outline beginning with the hierarchy of Biological Organization to Evolve: Viruses have the biological organization of atoms and molecules because they are made up of nucleic acid and protein. We will write a custom essay sample on Are Viruses Alive or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Viruses lack the emergent property of living things, which is the cell. They are not classified in any kingdom of organisms. Viruses compensate by attaching themselves to a host cell and dissolving the cell membrane and then they enter the nucleus of the host cell and force the nucleus to replicate the virus. Viruses lack the ability to metabolize and convert carbohydrates to usable energy. Viruses compensate by using the energy from the host cell. Viruses lack a sense of responsiveness because it happens at a cellular level, which they do not have. Viruses lack DNA because all of them do not have it. They compensate for this by using what they do have. Some viruses have a single strand RNA that is unraveled and replicated by the host cell and some viruses have a single strand DNA that is also replicated by the host cell. They lack the ability to reproduce and develop without the assistance of a host cell. Viruses are constantly changing and mutating for their struggle to survive. 3. Based on what I have learned in the readings and lecture background it is my opinion that viruses are not living agents or organisms. They do not have the basic characteristics of life, which is the cell. They cannot function or survive on their own. They cannot produce energy or reproduce on their own. I would describe them as a parasite borrowing life from other cells. 4. Why hasn’t a vaccine against the AIDS virus been invented yet? When the AIDS virus was first discovered in affected mostly gay men and then intravenous drug users. There was no big rush from the drug companies or anyone for that matter to find a cure. The majority of the cases were from Africa and other third world countries that were poor so the drug companies knew that they could not make a lot of money if they did find a cure. More recently there is a push to find a cure because more people are becoming infected with the HIV virus that causes AIDS. The problem today is having the scientific community as a whole work together and share the information to find a cure. b. Briefly summarize the progress of the HIV/AIDS vaccine in one paragraph: There has recently been an examination under study of the theory that some imperfect HIV vaccines may allow people that are infected with HIV virus live longer and healthier lives. Drs. Norman Letvin M. D. of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School and Mario Roederer Ph D. of the NIAID Vaccine Research Center (VRC) are the two teams of researchers working on this theory.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Football Culture Essay Essays
Football Culture Essay Essays Football Culture Essay Essay Football Culture Essay Essay Essay on Football Culture Culture is a way of living of a group of people- their behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols which they accept, generally without dispute, and that are passed along through communication and practice from one generation to another. It consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior learned. Conveyed by symbols, constituting the unique achievement of individual sets, including their personifications. In artifacts; the essential main of culture consists of shared ideas and mostly their attached ethics; culture structures may, on the one hand, be considered products of action, and on the contrary, as conditioning effects upon further deed (Pearson n.p). More than 240 million population all over the world play soccer often as to the Federation International of Football Association (FIFA). The game has grown from the sport of striking an animal-hide ball around to the World Cup sport it is today (Pearson n p). The history of football goes back to over 2,000 years ago into ancient China. Greece, Rome, and some countries in Central America also claim to have started the sport; nevertheless, it was England that advanced soccer, or what the many people around the world refer to as football, as the game we know today. The English get recognized with bringing the first uniform rules to the match, including punishing against tripping opponents and holding the ball with hands (Pearson n.p). Recent Football Changes : More rules get implemented as the game advanced and more historical milestones set. The penalty kick presented in 1891. FIFA became an affiliate of the International Football Association Board of Great Britain in 1913. The yellow and red cards got introduced 1970 World Cup finals. Recent changes include goalkeepers getting barred from handling intentional back passes in 1992 and challenges from behind red-carded and penalties in 1998 (Pearson n.p). Football is a very common sport in several countries all over the world, and most people become obsessed with the teams they back. Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. Im very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that (Coach Bill Shankly 12). Although football is considered necessary all around the world, there is a particular obsession in England which may be because of the sports history (Pearson n p). It has gathered a broad fan base and has also have provided job opportunities to millions of people worldwide. In fact, in every stable country, there exists a football league. The most common and followed leagues in the world include; English Premier League (England), Bundesliga (Germany), Serie A (Italy) and La Liga (Spain). The four countries host the most popular football leagues in the world. England tops the fan base count followed by Spain (Garrahan n.p). Talented Football Players Football always focuses on the talented people who have unique skills in handling a soccer ball. Most talented players play football as a source of entertainment and passion. However, recently, there is the emergence of the league that flood money is hiking the salaries of player, hiking the release clauses and even allowances that are unaffordable to other clubs. It has, in turn, changed the players interest largely to money. It has denied the smaller clubs, which doesn;t have important financial chest access to quality and talented players. Most talented players become highly valued regarding money and even salaries. It has even brought conflicts in teams as players compete for higher wages and recognition. FIFA tried to curb this aspect by introducing the financial fair play rules. However, it seems hard for the body to control the clubs; activities since they use the weaknesses of the law to their advantage (Garrahan n.p).; The emergence of new leagues in countries such as China, Japan, and the USA, leads to inflation of salaries for players since these countries possess large amounts money. They buy players from the developed leagues at very high prices and offer them inflated salaries. The salaries being high the talented and unique players leave their teams and join these luxurious clubs. It leads even to indiscipline of players when they are not allowed to leave their current clubs. Others even demand and boycott training or even playing if the salaries increases do not get increased (Garrahan n.p).; The football governing board (FIFA) should try and formulate new and airtight laws to seek to restrict further rot in the industry. The specific countries; football governing body should also try and come up with rules and guidelines to help curb this tendency. In the event it is left to thrive, the original meaning and purpose of football will be lost (Garrahan n.p). Racism in Football Racism recently has brought an uproar of problems in the football industry in the world. Racism in football is the abuse of team players, administrators, and fans due to their skin color, race, or background. Some may get targeted because of their friendship with an opposing team. Nonetheless, there have been occasions of players being targeted by their fans. Since no one can decide sources of talent, whether a player possesses black or white race, doesn;t warrant them harassed because of the same. There is the emergence of bad behavior mostly by fans to abuse or boo a player due to his color. It demotivates the player concerned making them feel unwanted killing his desire to play. It has significantly reduced the quality of football since some players fear of abuse. In the leagues where racism is prevalent, the player tends to distance themselves hence the teams of the league are limited to the race which does not face abuse (Rank n p). The issue of racism has hit the football governing body where they are trying to educate the fans and even the players on the effects of racism. It is much evident in big games where banners of ;say no to racism; are always displayed on fields. Sometimes they are attached to players; uniforms. It has significantly helped in the move to campaign against the racism. Heavy fines also apply to the clubs in case their fans get engaged in racism activities. It has, in turn, challenged teams around the world to deploy security personnel in pitches where they identify fans who are involved in racism-related activities. The fans later get punished by fine or ban from entering any football stadium in the world. The move has cases of racial abuse in the stadiums drastically; (Rank n.p); In conclusion, football culture is continuing to grow day by day gathering more fans and investors. Most of the large companies in the world have entered into football business through sponsorships and even grants. As more fan base created, the value of football culture increase. In some countries such as Brazil, Spain, and England, so has become an alternative to education. Talented kids attend soccer academies instead of academic school. In soccer academies, they concentrate much on football and less academic. It shows that people are drastically adopting football culture as a way of living and have started to embrace it. ; Garrahan, Matthew. ;Cash converters;: when Saturday comes.Retrieved on 21st March 2017. Pearson, G. ;An Ethnography of English Football Fans: Cans, Cops, and Carnivals.; Pro Football journal Manchester University Press, 2012. Ring, David. Foreign players and football supporters: The Old Firm, Arsenal, Paris Saint-Germain. Green Soccer Journal. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2012.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Why was American management criticised so much in the 1980s, so widely Essay
Why was American management criticised so much in the 1980s, so widely admired in the 1990s, and now so despised again - Essay Example Britain ruled the world for a longer period and even America was a British colony once. However, Britain failed to sustain their supremacy whereas America emerged as a superpower. America succeeded in emerging as the sole superpower in the world, after the destruction of former Soviet Union. Industrial revolution and enormous technological development helped America to maintain their top spot intact among the global economies. However, American style of management faced mixed response from international community over the last few centuries. Politics, religion, scientific development etc succeeded in making immense changes in American style of management periodically. America is a democratic country for a longer period. â€Å"Until World War 1, the influence of religion on American business was far reaching. Yet religion failed to provide organizational ideas for human relations†(Guillen, 1994, p.30). ... Business owners thought that the managers will handle everything properly and they can take a break from the business. The above assumption proved to be wrong as the managerial executives tried to exploit their increased power in inadequate manner. Mismanagement stories were started to come out in large numbers from prominent organizations in the 80’s as a result of managerial capitalism. According to Heskett (2007) â€Å"Companies taken over by private equity groups or managerial executives have been stripped of their assets †¦ and hold unsustainable debt burdens†(Heskett, 2007). Managers enjoyed or claimed the majority corporate success than the original owners or the workers. They spread the rumours that American companies are growing not because of the efficiency of their workers or the capabilities of the owners, but because of the capabilities of the efficient management force. Thus managerial executives in the 2980’s became dictators in the corporate sector as a result of the managerial capitalism. There was also a very serious banking crisis in the 1980s – what became known as the ‘savings and loan’ scandals, when many of the thousands of small banking operations around the States became insolvent. Banks became ‘hemmed in by government restrictions. Moreover, banks watched helplessly as much of their business disappeared into the capital markets (Chapter three – The USA: the world’s foremost economic, political, and military power, n. d., p.20) Another major criticism for American management in 1980’s was the banking crisis. American government started impose strong restrictions upon banking exercises. The interest rates in America increased sharply in the late 1970s as a result of inflation. Between 1976 and 1980, interest rates
Monday, February 3, 2020
Discuss the influence of Christianity during the rise and fall of the Essay
Discuss the influence of Christianity during the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. OR Discuss the importance of Christianity during the Carolingian era - Essay Example His laws were based on Christianity and the dogma preached by the church would be seen as little more than Draconian today but in the Carolingian era the church saw Charlemagne as a hero for the faith (Story 15). His objectives for conquest could have been to encourage the growth of Christianity but power and repute certainly came with the conquests made by Charlemagne. These conquests were certainly beneficial to his standing in the eyes of other rulers around him who saw him as a competitor and those who saw him as a friend. It was this repute as a conqueror which led Pope Leo III to seek his assistance when the pope was removed from power and wished to regain his seat. The support of the pope meant a great deal to Charlemagne since it gave him the legitimacy as a king as well as a spiritual leader for his followers. This support was firmly established with Christian ideals when Charlemagne was made the Emperor of the Romans (Rogers 27). The coronation of Charlemagne was done by Pope Leo III and it took place a few days after Charlemagne had agreed to help the Pope regain his throne. The coronation was unannounced and is supposed to have happened when Charlemagne was leaning on the Altar to pray on Christmas day and the pope took the Iron Crown and placed it on Charlemagne’s head. The pope then announced that Charlemagne was Imperator Romanorum i.e. Emperor of the Romans. While it has been suggested that Charlemagne did not want this, West (345) and Bullough (352) imply that this was certainly wanted by Charlemagne since Christianity was an important aspect of his politics. Such a coronation gave him the blessings of the established church to do what he wanted to when the Pope was restored to power. This was called by Story as a â€Å"defining event that epitomizes the spirit of the age (Story 2)†. Of course this was not the first instance that
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Organizational Profile And Tesco Market Strategy
Organizational Profile And Tesco Market Strategy Tesco plc is a British international grocery and general merchandising retail chain. It is the largest British retailer by both global sales and domestic market share, with profits exceeding  £3 billion, and the third largest global retailer based on revenue, after Wal-Mart and Carrefour and second largest in profit behind Wal-Mart. In this assessment I would be trying to analyze Tesco business strategies in accordance to their market entry, PESTEL analysis, value chain, financial analysis and benchmark Tesco with their competitors Wal-Mart and Carrefour. Tesco PLC is a British international merchandising retail chain. It is the largest British retailer in global sales and domestic market share. Their profits exceeded  £3 billion in 2009 and employ around 440,000 employees. It is the third largest global retailer based on revenue and second largest in profit Tesco operates 923 in national and international circuit, it gives them access to a population over 260 million across nine markets in different continents. Over the past five years, Tesco have expanded from a traditional UK supermarket into providing a variety products and services, including food, non-food business, personal finance and internet shopping. The increasing scale and globalization of their operations has provided significantly contributed to their efficiency and profitability. Even though it has been a very for consumer the companys confidence has fallen as people worry about unemployment and are struggling to manage their household budgets. At Tesco there has been a shift in priorities of the customers Tesco constantly monitored their prices on their food items and changed their value chain strategy to cut cost , cater to the needs of the customers and eventually to make profits. TESCO MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY The plank of Tescos entry strategy has been the use of their own-brand product. These are divided into three categories PRODUCT RANGE Finest: High quality food with highest price rages Mid-range Tesco brand : Medium quality and average price range Low-price Value brand: Low quality products with lower price value These product ranges of items are available to the consumer market in their retail format stores Tesco Extra: These are significantly large out of town hypermarkets which stock all of Tescos product ranges; the minimum shop floor is of 119,000 sq feet.[ Tesco Superstores: They are standard supermarkets stocking primarily groceries and other smaller non food goods. Tesco Metro: They are stores which functions between superstores and express stores, they are mainly located in city centers and high-street, they cater ready to eat food, refrigerated food and deli food to working class consumers. Tesco Express: Tesco Express stores are neighborhood convenience shops, they stocking mainly food with particularly on higher-margin products. Tesco Direct: Tesco Direct is an online store, where consumers can purchase items online and can collect it from a store or choose to deliver at home. OBJECTIVES OF MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY To cater to variety of food products at different price level satisfying different income levels To operate at an economy of scale there by able to have a control over the price To be accessible in all levels of the geography To gain significant market share To be able to compete in the highly significant technological and infrastructural environment. BARRIERS OF ENTRY Market Structure The market in which Tesco operates are in daily grocery market. Although, this is a highly competitive segment Tesco holds a huge proportion of market share, This type of market structure is highly volatile, continuous development and innovation is required by Tesco to keep the market share. Threats of substitutes The fear of substitutes in the food retail industry is minimal, but with higher number of super markets and convenient stores people have variable option to choose their product from. Buyer power The buyer power is high in the industry because the consumer can easily choose between ASDA, Tesco Sainsbury etc. The importance is often which retailer is closest to the consumer. Since the buyer power is high the cost of switching is very low. Supplier power Supplier power is relatively weak because there are a large number of supermarkets and a small numbers of dominant buyers. But we must have in mind that large suppliers such as Proctor and Gamble or Unilever have countervailing power. Rivalry The rivalry is high in the industry because of a very competitive market industry. As seen in table, Tesco is the market leader in UK; however, the five largest players have a market share of 65.6 % which indicate that it is an oligopolistic market. It is a high capital industry and a new market challenger must have financial resources on a very high level. Because the food retail market in UK is a mature market, growth is achieved by taking market share from competitors. RETAILER MARCH 2008 MARCH 2009 Tesco 30.6% 31.2% Sainsbury 16% 16.4% Asda 16.3% 16.9% Morrisons 11.3% 11.1% Somerfield 4,0% 3.7% Waitrose 3.7% 2.9% Iceland 1.6% 1.6% Grocery market shares, 2008-2009 www.nfuonline.com ANALYSIS The strategy used by Tesco in UK and Europe has been largely successful because of home territory advantage and supply chain control, the organization can control price of variable and change the price of food accordingly and this gives them a successful edge of other competitors like Asda and Sainsburry. With the plan of expansion significantly towards the east, Tesco has been struggling to gain momentum in these markets. The following are the recommendations for Tesco entering foreign markets Identify the market opportunities: Tesco has to understand the retail structure of the country and understand other elements such as suppliers, transport, home grown facilities. Market to enter: Which region to focus their market depending on their variables such as, competitors, standard of living Nature of food product: The variety of food product available within the company and international food supply. Understanding buying behavior: Understanding buying behavior is an psychological task, behavior has to be monitored and market research has to be setup to provide products that are best suited to consumer of that country. PESTEL ANALYSIS The analysis provides a framework for macro-environmental factors that used in the environmental scanning. It is a part for monitoring macro variable factors while understanding a strategic analysis. It is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations. PESTEL analysis for TESCO Political (www.food.gov.uk) UK has a variety of important legislation and food laws. The FSA (The Food Safety Act) provides support for all food legislation in Great Britain. Some of these acts are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Falsely describing or presenting food à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Rendering food injurious to health à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Selling food to a purchaser which is not of the substance or quality as demanded à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Unsafe unfit for human consumption The companies within the food industry must operate under the governments regulations, such as, the employment laws. Tescos Impact Tesco employs over 250.000 people in UK which can be difficult to control. Also environmental regulations and trade restrictions and tariffs are something to be aware of. Political changes may affect the food industry if curtain restrictions appear in the future, for that reason companies need to be flexible and ready to change quickly. Tesco certainly is a company which has the power and knowledge to change when difficulties occur. Economical Even though inflation rose to a high level at 3 % and interest rates rising to 5.75 %, the UK economy is rising the fallen (www.bankofengland.co.uk, 2008) The economic growth is currently at 3,8 % (www.statistics.gov.uk, 2009), unemployment has been falling and the UK housing market continues to be buoyant with rising house prices being a strong factor in maintaining consumer spending and confidence but retail companies in the UK are making record negligible profitability. It is important to have in mind that, with the American economy entering a harder economical phase because of housing bubble and large loans UK economy is feeling is feeling the heat too. Companies in the food retail industry are suffering the consequences. Therefore, profit are increasing because consumers are tending to be thrifty. Tescos Impact Even though with the financial turmoil Tescos has been able to hold an upper hand, the company uses its value product more efficiently to cater to their customers need and budgeting procurements. Higher interest rates and rising labor costs have adversely impact Tescos margins negatively Socio-cultural factors The annual income in UK has been increased since 2001 and is expected to increase even more in the future (www.euromonitor.com, 2007) which is connected with an healthier economy predicted in UK. Another important factor is lifestyle changes, it has big impact on consumer habits and expenditure, some of these factors are weight loss and dieting, which increases focus on health products in the food retail industry. It is not so much a question of developing new products but increasing dietary information and educating consumers on a healthy lifestyle in a way that is more actionable for them The early adopters of this approach include British retailers like Sainsbury and Tesco, both of which have diet ranges that do not include this word on packaging. Instead their ranges are branded as healthy, often emphasizing heart health, a major issue associated with obesity. (www.nutraingredients.com) Also consumerism is central, it is linked to consumer expenditure, as you see below the forecast is showing increasing spending in the UK from 2006-2013, which is essential to the food retail industry Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Million Pounds 68954,57 69207,54 69697,93 69518,95 69252,81 70118,77 CONSUMNER EXPENDITURE TREND FOR FOOD WWW.EUROMONITOR.COM Tescos Impact Tesco has been analyzing variety of consumers through their market research campaign; the stores have catered not only to consumers income levels but their diversities. Tescos has special aisles dedicated to Chinese and Indian consumers. Technological UK government spent approximately 22bn on technology in 2005 (www.zdnet.co.uk) which is double as much as ex. Germany. It indicates that UK is willing to spend a large amount on the future within the technology area. The speed of the technology transfer in the UK rises while internet users increase every year, see forecast below Tescos Impact The technological development in Tesco and other retail industry is emerging. New technologies such as self-service technology are becoming popular. The dependence on human services in Tesco retail is fast reduced by machines, this help the company reduce the prices of goods and cut operational cost. The technology gives the consumer the possibility to check-out by them self and it gives the retailers cost advantage because of less till employees it is a win-win situation. Environmental The green issue is becoming more and more relevant in society. Especially businesses needs to take part in the future of recycling and waste programs set up by the government. The framework of this is: (www.defra.gov.uk, 2007) Tescos Impact à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Phase out the use of free disposable bags in store and bag free delivery from the online shop. (www.tescocoporate.com) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reduce food packaging use in-store devices to deliver product information instead. (Retail Week, 2007) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The Business Resource Efficiency and Waste program -Tesco advises and help other businesses on how to reduce and recycle their waste, with  £4 saved by business for each  £1 of government money. Legal Retail companies like Tesco needs to be aware of commercial and consumer laws like Sale of Goods Act 1979 which regulates contracts in which goods are sold and bought , food safety laws mentioned before and consumer protection laws, which protect the consumer against unfair and deceptive practices. Also fair trading which makes markets work well for consumers ex. The Office of Fair Trading (www.oft.gov.uk). These laws and acts can have a negative effect if not researched or taken into consideration. Tescos Impact Over the years Tesco has aided legal laws regarding consumer behavior including government legislations the company follows their own set of standard rules and regulations which enhance customer satisfaction. VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS AT TESCO (using Potters principals) Inbound Logistics The inbound logistics is of critical importance in the Tesco value chain, because of the strong bond between Tesco and its suppliers. Tesco needs to make sure that the stores get the right products at the right price, the right quality, the right quantity and of course at the right time. Balance between these elements is central, so at the end, the consumers get what they want. The inbound logistics is one of Tescos competitive advantages and deals with reception of products, staff scheduling, facilities planning, stock control and storing. Operations The operation within the Tesco organization is in fact all the different products arriving to the store and placed in-store. Tesco buy large amounts of groceries, clothes, electronics etc. so they get the advantage of economies of scale, then they increase the price and sell it direct to the consumer with a positive margin. That is very simplified how Tescos operation works, of course there are things to be done before they sell it, like packaging, machining, testing of products, assembling, till operations and store operations. Outbound Logistics The outbound logistics is a smaller area in the organisation because Tesco do not have to send things out of their stores; customers come into the store and pick up their groceries, pay at the till and go out again. However, queuing management is important, so the customer gets a quick and efficient check-out. The location of the store and the car park outside the store is also central and linked closely to the consumer when they leave the store. Customer management is essential for the reason that Tesco is customer driving and the company needs all the information they can get about their customers to develop customer relations. Marketing and Sales Because of Tescos size, the company uses many marketing tools like Public Relations, advertising, promotion and in-store layout which hit the consumer on all senses when they shop. Tesco also have many in-store sales techniques, from different price schemes like expensive, less expensive and cheap areas in the store, in addition to price comparison with ASDA and J. Sainsbury etc. They do everything there is to capture the customer while they shop at Tescos and try their best to make sure people will come back. Another marketing scheme is their vouchers, you can actually use an ASDA voucher in the Tesco store and that is a perfect example of the sales techniques and Tescos willingness to capture customers. Service Tesco has many employees working all around the store, if you cannot find a special article at the store and asks an employee, they will either show you where it is or find somebody who knows about the article. Another service is when people check out and pay the employee at the till always asks the costumer if they need any help with packaging. Service outside the store is provided by the effective www.tesco.com where people can buy groceries, clothes and electronics online. Furthermore Tesco has a service and repair group who concentrates on everything that evolves service and repairs of product. Support activities Firm Infrastructure When a company grows as big as Tesco, the management structure will be divided into several areas as they do not only operate in their domestic market but are a global company. That is why Tesco now has a manager in all the major areas. The organizational structure is centralized at Tesco because it gives greater control, better goal congruence and greater expertise. In addition, Tesco has a multidivisional organization structure which is clear because they have so many different directors working in different divisions around the organization. Tesco also has a large legal department where they focus on the treatment of new suppliers. Human Resource management Tesco employs over 250.000 in the UK only, so dealing with recruiting the right people and developing the right teams in the stores has a huge impact on the firm. Tesco educate the employees by sending them to employment-training programs and some of the managers to management and leadership courses, to prepare them for the problems that often occur in the company and in the stores. Technology Development Tesco make use of many technological tools like information systems and use IT for stock control. They have IT systems about customer satisfaction and databases with information about the club card holders. To develop check-out satisfaction they use self check-out tills. The internet is becoming more and more important and www.tesco.com is a good example of another technology initiative which has become a success since they launched their online shopping service in 1997. Procurement Tesco deals with a lot of procurement like the buildings they operate their stores in, the IT equipment and buying tills for the stores. Things people do not think about when shopping at Tescos like the lightning in the store, air-conditioning, ovens for the bakery and the take-away food, cleaning machines etc. A huge corporation like Tesco operates so many machines and spends millions on procurement which needs to be controlled by the management. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Good financial management and being the leader in market positions has served Tesco well during the year to face the challenges of consumer environment. The objective of the organization is to continue the pursue long-term strategy which would help the management to be in a much stronger position once the markets emerge from the economic meltdown. BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS From the balance sheet we can understand the development of Tesco over the years; the company has increased their fixed asset by increasing their level of plant and property. This is largely due to the new hypermarkets and supermarket which Tesco guaranteed to provide by the end of 2008. Investment and joint ventures decreased of the company, last year the company recognized a joint venture in India with Tata group to support a retail store under the brand name STAR-BAZAR, this was one of Tescos entry strategy to method to flag ship the Indian market. Loans and advances to customers increase, this was result to pay back later strategy issued by Tesco in their retail format. INCOME STATEMENT ANALYSIS Revenue for Tesco has increased over the past years, even with impact of recession but the profit was marginal. Along with the revenue, the cost of sales has increased too. Tesco over the year used certain promotional activities to increase revenue, one of their tactical methods was issuing promotional coupons but a part of the revenue mentioned includes unredeemed coupons. CASHFLOW STATEMENT Tesco derives most of their cash from their operating activities; their core business involves a lot of inflow and outflow of cash. Most of the cash flow out flow is for purchase of building, equipment and purchase of land, Tesco has significantly increased their joint ventures as a technique to capitalize international market. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS The operating profit of the firm has reduced marginally from 5.9% in 2008 to 5.4 percent in 2009. It shows that the firm has been controlling their cost in generating profit from sales especially at the times of recession; this also resulted in the fall of net profit margin. The first quarter improvement in 2010 has proved the company has got out of recession and growing into greater strengths and better economic times await the firm. BENCHMARKING Tesco is second largest retail in Europe in terms of revenue, with the company growing rapidly it is a growing threat for other large retailers. Wal-Mart and CarreFour have strategically emerged into global leaders, the variable factors which these company focused to grow big are Location: Wal-Mart and CarreFour has a total of 7,262 and 5643 stores respectively worldwide. Each and every store that Wal-Mart and CarreFour have opened in the past have been strategically assessed through the stages of macro location. The choice of a supermarket location is considered to be the single most important decision a retail organization has to make and is critical factor of success include Mobility and Time constraints Access to infrastructure Convenience for customers, suppliers and employees Tesco should understand location will impact on sales and distribution costs and competitive intensity may vary if there are strong local competitors in some regions. By implementing their location in apt geographic location the management can take advantage of lower distribution, assembly, raw materials or energy costs, and institutional factors such as government regulations. Cost may outweigh the benefits of owning a store in certain locations. Store Layout: Store design is a vital role to any successful retailing company around the world. There are three factors that come into play when you analyze store design through the customers point of view. The essential idea of store design is to make all customers feel comfortable and enjoy the area they shop in. The three important factors of store design are: Ambient dimension Social dimension Design dimension The above factors can be used to analyse in which way Wal-mart, Carrefour and Tesco operate with their own store design, focusing on their pacific target audience. Another way to analyse both Wal-mart and Tesco is by using the Mehrabian-Russell Model (1974). Mehrabian-Russell Model (1974) introduces the concepts of approach (positive) and avoidance (negative) behaviour, as well as pleasure and arousal. (retail marketing by Malcolm Sullivan and Dennis Adcock) Marketing Performance: According to Nielson Media Research, Tesco Spent  £62.9m on marketing which includes marketing for their own brand products as well. Wal-Mart spent  £34.8m on advertising; their marketing performance is commonly reflected by their ability to promote their own-brand as best as possible to increase the customer retention and not disappointing the shopper. They usually aim to get the customers in the stores by advertising well-known brand names and then focus the customers attention on own-brand goods. They attempt to attract the customers interest the moment they and to point-of-sale (PoS) as its a very cost effective way to promote own-brand products at a minimal cost. Overall the advantage of Wal-Mart and Tesco operating own-brand products allows the retailers to have larger profit margins compared to selling brand products as well as allows the retailers to enforce the relationship between them and the shopper. Own brands offer a point of difference to the competition, which can increase store reputation and customer loyalty. However the problem with own brand product is that many shoppers and influenced by brand goods and unwilling to buy own-brand goods as they can be seen as an inferior product. Nevertheless during an unstable economic climate such as the current recession, own brand goods are less vulnerable to the fluctuations of economical factors such as currency rates and inflation Customers: Tescos USP is it knowledge about their customers. Tesco has signed up 12 million of their customers for their Club card program, providing members discounts in exchange for their names, address and other personal information. The data collected lets Tesco give tailor made promotions for consumer and decide quickly new innovations initiatives employed are working. The Club-card has helped Tesco boost market share in groceries up to 31% double the 16% to Wal-Mart in the Uk. On the other hand Wal-Mart influences their customers by their strategy of low prices preferred over being personally influenced CONCLUSION Talking about Tescos strategic fit in the UK it is clear that they fit excellent. The indicators of this fit are as mentioned before; they are market leaders with a strong brand and because of their size they have competitive advantage over suppliers with economies of scale. As the UK is their domestic market they got the experience, know-how and knowledge of the environmental issues in the country and the food retail industry in general. The largest threats in the industry is the rivalry of the nearest competitors, however Tesco seems to have it under control because their market shares keeps rising and the competitors is still left behind. The second largest threat is the power of the consumer, however Tesco probably has the best consumer knowledge and customer management in the business, which allows them to implement new innovative food product and other investments which the consumer eventually obeys to. Tescos got the strategy to become even more powerful in UK and to increase the market share. In order to do so, I believe Tesco should focus even more on private label product because the margins are much higher than branded product (30 %). One of Tescos success factors is the private label area and Tesco generates high levels of loyalty which gives them the advantage to increase private label sales. In addition, Tescos ability to match products to customer needs from sophisticated scanning and loyalty schemes has become a strong opportunity and strength in their marketing strategy. Although Tesco has plenty of strengths and opportunities in UK, they are now focusing even more on areas outside the food retail industry. Because of the partly mature food market in UK they focus on international expenditure, online sale and non-food industry. Since the future is pointing in other directions for profit, it is therefore important that Tesco keeps a fine balance between the UK market and their new areas. The UK market still earns Tesco the highest profit which is used to expand in all the new areas. As Tesco is so heavily dependent of the UK market it is a threat if the UK economy decreases if the interest rates goes up, inflation raises, housing bubble bursts and of course if consumers expenditure decreases. All these assumptions can be negative towards Tescos future profit. As leading grocery experts observe, supermarkets in general and Tesco in particular will have to demonstrate continuously that they truly have consumer interests at heart, and that they are not abusing their enormous power just to enrich themselves (Seth Randall, 1999) I end my report on Tesco by using this statement from Seth Randall, 1999. From 1999 until today, Tesco has showed that they have consumer interests at heart and a long with the pursuit of larger economies of scale is probably the main reason why they are and will still be so successful compared to their competitors.
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